Session 13: The Crimson Citadel Report

General Summary

The journey continues as our team of heroes escorts Irva back to her home across the barren wastelands of the Land of Shadows. The team finds a half-orc Blood Hunter named Gorm and a Tiefling Sorcerer named Incyra who somehow found themselves transported to these dark lands after a battle and an explosion knocked them both out during an attack against a dark spirit plaguing a local village in the Dawn Realms...having only spent a couple of days here they banded together to protect each other and were grateful to join the ranks of this team.   Along the way the team avoids many of the predatory creatures, however on several occasions they narrowly avoid being detected by the evil souls that plague these lands. Among the strange lands the team does stumble upon a graveyard, tended to by Alistor, a gravedigger covering a freshly filled grave. He pauses to converse with the group and divulges how he tends to his "garden", helping to ease the rest of the undead who wander these lands.   The party asks a few questions while Tiathina casts a "detect good and evil spell"; she senses all manner of undead living beneath the soil within range of her spell, and an evil talisman held by Alistor. Unable to divulge this information without giving away her knowledge, she casually suggests that the party move on, later sharing the unsettling nature of her findings and the danger of this man. A creepy whistle is heard as the party disappears from view and Alistor resumes his work.   Irva leads the party to a hidden refuge, a false face of a stone in a rock outcropping unveils a chamber with a fire pit, chimney and plenty of room for the party to take shelter for the pitch black night. The party converses with Irva about this place and the safety of her and her family as they live in these lands. She also shares that several of these hidden refuges lie along the normal routes out of the Citadel that people can get away from the dangers of this land or stay hidden over the bleak nights. Several predatory creatures stalk near the locked entrance to this hidden shelter during the nights watch, including one specter who apparently investigated the team in their cavern before moving on.   While not uneventful, the night is restful and helps Brom recuperate from his previous exhaustion. Irva investigates the surrounding areas before leading the party quietly out of the doorway, warning the team that something large and dangerous lies just over the rise. Everyone quietly exits the hidden shelter until Gorm trips and lands most loudly against the ground...through sheer luck his loud clanging was not noticed by the dangerous monster over the rise.   Finally the Crimson Citadel emerges into view over the bleak horizon - the walls a welcome site of protection looming in the distance. As the party approaches, Irva runs to a man shoveling dirt into a grave; Stoneheart is thankful for the characters for saving Irva and returning her home. He leads them to the gatehouse and entrance to the Citadel, where a team of soldiers has been herding a zombie into a large pit of fire before holding the party back from entering. A well armored leader emerges - his glowing eyes and harsh attitude demonstrate his contempt for the party, a clear disinterest in letting them enter. A voice calls out and tells Xander, the red eyed leader, to stand down; a well armored female leader steps forward, identifying herself as Victoria; catching the eye of Ricfreid immediately.   Victoria leads the team inside the gates and the conversation between the party and Victoria is interrupted by another group of visitors; a group of four Shader-Kai are escorted to Victoria and relay news of dark forces uniting in the North; unusual undead activity heading that way as well, and an interrogation that unveiled information about a "Gloomwraith"; a point of special concern by Victoria. Marigold casts a casual "detect good and evil" identifies that all of the Crimson Guard within range appear to give off undead vibes - apparently the entire force is vampire in nature. After some discussion about Alistor, the Shader-Kai depart, and Victoria sets off to advise other leaders at the Crimson Keep of the new information, promising to return and speak more.   The team settles in to the guest house that has been provided for their stay - a structure devoid of the normal pleasantries and containing only elements necessary; a common theme noticed in this protected village. A short while later Irva and her family return and bring food and drink for the team, where they share details of how the town came to be here in the shadows and what has lead to this mutually beneficial arrangement. Apparently after the city was moved to these dark lands by the last act of a wizard battling a red dragon, the entire town was prayed upon by the dark souls in these lands. They retreated and defended a few houses until by an odd stroke of luck one of the town members struck a deal with Victoria - the town would willingly feed the vampires if they would provide protection for the citizens; leading to a symbiotic relationship between the two. Since this time the walls were erected and the town has flourished; instead of paying taxes in the form of coin they instead volunteer their blood in return for the safety of the walls and soldiers. Even some of those who have come of age have volunteered to become vampiric and join the soldiers on the wall.   Victoria returns sometime after the meal has concluded and Irva's family has departed and shares more information about Alistor; sharing knowledge of him being a necromancer raising a powerful army of undead. She provides some history as well for the betrayal of humankind - after vampire and werewolf struck a truce and defeated the forces of evil that fell from the sky and attacked from the sea, humans then turned and hunted them; she demonstrates contempt for those she helped rescue so many years before. The great "Gloomwraith" that was feared is also uncovered as the red dragon who was brought here when the town was pulled to the Land of Shadows...while his fire and strength has become less powerful he has become more cunning and dangerous, corrupted by the very shadows that surround the land. If he is indeed amassing an army this could be extremely bad for both the land of shadow as well as the land of light.   Dark forces continue to grow in magnitude and organization....the team rests uncomfortably this night, digesting these new findings that threaten the lands.

Character(s) interacted with

Citizens: Irva and family, Stoneheart Crimson Guard: Victoria and Xander Shader-Kai: Princess Kyunzu, Toglid, Yang, Fury Other: Alistor
The Journey Begins
Ricfried Diggle
Tiathina Mortinor
Shade CocoaMist
Report Date
29 Jan 2023