Abnormality Object - The PermaLok Adhesive Tape

What is The PermaLok Adhesive Tape?

An Abnormality Object that has taken the shape of an adhesive tape dispenser. The PermaLok Adhesive Tape like most Abnormality Objects, only one is known to exist. This simple-looking roll of clear single-side tape has the incredible ability to freeze anything its sticky side touches perfectly in place.   As long as the tape adheres to an object's surface, it prevents the object from moving or falling, even if it is mid-air. The effect lasts as long as the tape continues to stick to at least a portion of the surface, though the effects usually wear out over time.   The PermaLok Adhesive Tape is an ideal tool for securing items during an earthquake or heavy winds. The tape can also ensure doors and windows stay locked in position, either for protection from the elements or from potential threats and/or theft.   Anything that the adhesive touches immediately becomes locked in place, unable to move in any way. Even if, for example, a pane of glass is smashed, the pieces will not fall to the ground.    Instead, they will stay floating perfectly in place and, while they may show some signs of cracking, the window will hold its structural integrity until the tape is removed or loses its adhesion over time.  
Someone securing their door from a storm using the PermaLok Adhevise Tape
  The tape is limited to affecting only the direct object to which it is adhered. For example, if placed on a door, it does not prevent the entire house from being moved.    Though placing a piece of tape on each wall and roof will likely have a profound effect in helping the structure stay upright during a tornado or earthquake, it will not stop the windows and doors from being blown in. Careful thought and methodology must be used when applying the tape to assist during such an event.   The adhesive tape is not limited to structures either; it also works on living beings. Much like the example with the house, the tape only halts the direct limb it has been adhered to. If attached to the hand, the hand cannot move, but the arm can still function. Conversely, if the arm is taped, the hand will still be able to move.   This limits the use of the tape on people, as most individuals won’t allow a stranger to run up to them and stick tape on them. However, the confusion caused by someone slapping tape onto them may be a valid tactic. Other clever strategies would have to be devised if the user of the tape wanted to stop a person in their tracks.   There is a security measure built into the tape roll for when the adhesion needs to be unlocked quickly. On the roll of tape is a small switch; if the switch is turned from the on position to the off position, all currently adhered objects will be released immediately.    Careful use of this switch must be ensured, as anything stuck in place up high, especially those being held back from gravity, will come plummeting back down. Otherwise, the sticky tape will keep the object stuck in place for several hours, depending on the length of tape used.   There is no limit to how many pieces of tape can be used concurrently, and the roll does not seem to have an end. However, it will only allow for a certain amount of tape to be used per day. The next morning, the entire roll will have been refilled.
The PermaLok Adhesive Tape is an Abnormality Object resembling a tape dispenser with the unique ability to freeze anything its sticky side touches in place, even in mid-air. This effect lasts as long as the tape adheres to the surface, making it ideal for securing items during earthquakes or heavy winds and ensuring doors and windows stay locked.   The tape works on both inanimate objects and living beings, immobilizing only the part it directly touches. A built-in switch can release adhered objects immediately. While the roll appears endless, it only allows a certain amount of tape to be used daily, refilling itself by the next morning.
The Rolled Tape Trick
A clever usage would be to roll the tape into a small circle, so that each end meets and the entire outer side of the circle is sticky. Stick the bottom to a floor or side of a doorway, and if it catches the arm or foot of an assailant sneaking in, they will be locked in place until the tape is removed, which is difficult since touching the sticky side of the surface will instantly freeze what touches it.

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Aug 5, 2024 08:47 by George Sanders

One of each object, auto-refills each day, release switch - great details. You crafted an intriguing object! And I see there are others, those are a lot of potential stories. Nice.

Read about the great items submitted for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
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Aug 6, 2024 02:30 by Joshua Stewart

Much appreciated! I've really enjoyed writing about the various Abnormality Objects. Their original intent was to be a sort of fill-in for magic items for a TTRPG setting. But they've certainly grown beyond that. I just love the absurdity of them, its fun coming up with silly concepts like this haha.

Aug 23, 2024 15:06 by George Sanders

Lavani got to review your article as well, "It is as sticky as a spider's web on a wide sliver of a sheet, locking objects together in a tight bond. A singular item of unfathomable magical power in the job it does."   The review is on her reading list page, link in my signature.

Read about the great items submitted for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
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Aug 7, 2024 19:32 by Gege Escriva

Very interesting one! I like how a very normal looking item -such as an adhesive tape- can have magical powers, It would be pretty useful to have one of these in real life. And I swear people who become targets of this (accidentally or not) do not expect it at all, it must be fun to see their reaction...

Summer Camp has begun! I'm keeping my eyes on your Personal Item that keeps you Safe| Submit your entry and get the chance of winning a small illustration of your item!     Wanting more props to use in your games? Try with the Wildlands Trinkets!.   "A Demon's howl: Folk Tales from Moskova's Lore" is out now!   Explore the Kingdom of Moskova with me! Wonders and darkness await for you. Are you ready for the adventure?  
Aug 8, 2024 16:15 by Joshua Stewart

Oh, that was definitely part of my inspiration for this, just thinking about how people would respond to being trapped by a small piece of tape and not knowing what to do about it. And yeah, I love these items, being able to put bizarre spins on normal every day items is quite fun haha.

Aug 21, 2024 09:57 by George Sanders

I enjoyed your article and added it to the short list for my Summer Camp sponsored prompt "A personal item that keeps you safe." View the short list.   This earns you a prize! An 800x800 hand drawn digital image of your item. To claim your prize join our prize discord server or email me at [email protected] so my artist, Gege, can work with you on the image. We are still deciding on the grand prize winner. They will be announced on 8/31 during the World Anvil Twitch Livestream.   I will be sharing your article on community posts and Lavani's Reading List. When you join the discord server, check out the optional World Deck we are planning for the items. Congrats!

Read about the great items submitted for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
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Aug 22, 2024 18:32 by Joshua Stewart

Thanks so much! That is very flattering, I appreciate it. I will join the discord shortly. :D

Aug 25, 2024 10:13 by Enoris Leinwand

This article is very entertaining, well written, digestible and greatly illustrated. I loved to read it and it rises a lot of possibilities to work around it. It's a great item concept and can definitly protect you in more than one way.

Aug 28, 2024 20:24 by Joshua Stewart

Thanks! I am glad you enjoyed it. :)