Hivemind Sentius Network Technica Guide

Discovery of the Guide

The Hivemind Sentius Network Technica Guide was supposedly discovered by a tabloid journalist named Lor Izox while he was on the Hivemind Sentius Main Networking Control Board And Operations Station, in Hivemind Sentius Network space. Izox, according to his own blog post, was invited to tour the massive space station by the network itself.   The network does occasionally invite dignitaries and figureheads to the station for "tours" as a show of good geopolitical faith. Though, everyone knows that this is a front and that they are only shown a small fraction of the station and nothing of real interest or importance.  
Izox's claim is a bit dubious as he is not either of these things, he is not a dignitary, and he is not a figure-head. The only other people who arrive at this station are those who have broken a serious law of the network, and these people are never seen again.   Regardless of the validity of the claim, Izox is adamant about his claim of seeing the inner workings of the Hivemind Sentius Main Networking Control Board And Operations Station. In his blog post, he describes seeing several key facilities, ones that even previous dignitaries and figureheads have not seen. Including Android construction facilities, network servers, and resource storage warehouses.
Ever wondered what makes those Hivemind Sentius Network androids tick? Well, strap in because the Hivemind Sentius Network Technica Guide spoils the brands on these ultra-secretive androids and their salacious operations. Not only that, but I've spent some time onboard their creepy Main Networking Control Board and I've got the scoop on all their strict protocols, high-tech gizmos, and their daily operations. Hold on tight, there's a lot to go through.

— Intro Lede written by Lor Izox on the Tecnica Guide blog post.
  Izox claims he spent several days aboard the station and had several guides during that time, he states that the androids were open with him about the station and answered most of his questions. Though they were elusive on some of them.   When Izox asked the androids if he could take something away from the station as proof to his claims, the androids guided him to a room with hundreds of boxes of old and outdated technology that the androids were in the process of destroying. He was told he could take one item with him if he wished to.   While rummaging through these boxes is when Izox stumbled upon the Hivemind Sentius Network Technica Guide. The guide is a simple stick drive, similar to a USB, that when plugged into a computer terminal will display it contents. Izox found it interesting because the "guide" was noted on the side of the drive. Curious he tested the drive on a nearby terminal, seeing what he had stumbled upon he pocketed it and soon thereafter left the station.   He would write up a detailed summarization of the guide in the following weeks and eventually release his blog post. Which would soon become popular and catch the imaginations of thousands of conspiracy theorists across the Delta Space.  

Exert from the Technica Guide

The Hivemind Sentius Network androids feature an advanced neural-mesh processor that allows instantaneous data transfer and decision-making across units. Their power cores utilize a stabilized fusion reaction, providing energy efficiency and longevity.   Each android is equipped with adaptive sensory modules for real-time environmental analysis. The internal framework includes self-repairing nanotechnology, enabling sustained operational capability under extreme conditions.   Comment left in the margins by an unknown author; Author note to self, start. This documentation should be readily available for arrivals after traversal to new territory is completed. If delays are encountered, please ensure networked androids have instructions to update documentation as necessary and dispose of any outdated materials and information. End note.
A diagram of an earlier model of networked android
A controversial document that has supposedly leaked from Hivemind Sentius Network territory that outlines some of the design details of Hivemind androids, and also describes details on their purpose and goals — hinting at their creators being from abroad.   The Hivemind Sentius Network Technica Guide comes from a dubious source; a tabloid run by an oddball journalist named Lor Izox, who has claimed he has spent significant time with the Hivemind Sentius Network including travelling through its capital, a station called the Hivemind Sentius Main Networking Control Board And Operations Station. Something no one else has done.   The public does not fully believe in the validity of this document, however, it is widely popular with conspiracy theorists especially those who support the conspiracy theory about the Hivemind being sent from outside of the Delta Space by an invading force.
Lor Izox - Tabloid Journalist
Lor Izox is a veteran tabloid journalist, though many news journalists and reporters would refute that much preferring to call Izox a sensationalist hack. Izox has been in the tabloid business for decades now, after a much less successful career as a reporter for the more traditional news world. As a tabloid journalist though, Izox found great success, reporting on a variety of salacious celebrity news and entertainment rumours. However, he would find his true calling and niche in the world of conspiracy theories.   Via his personal blog site, the Theorist Insider, he posts nearly daily about a variety of conspiracy theories he has reportedly investigated at length. Despite his dubious claims and shaky evidence, Izox has gained a following through his blog and holds much sway and respect in the conspiracy theory world. His most recent expose on the Hivemind Sentius Network, and the Technica Guide he gained a surge of new followers and attention from a wider audience than usual.

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Aug 22, 2024 17:13

Nice! Tabloids and conspiracy theories are a fun angle to take.

If you're seeing this, I may have used your article for my 2024 Reading Challenge.
Aug 22, 2024 20:44 by Joshua Stewart

Thanks! Always fun to write about a good conspiracy theory lol. It was fun writing about a tabloid "journalist" as well.