The Hivemind Sentius Network - Advanced Tactical Invasion Force

Read this articles companion piece; Hivemind Sentius Network Technica Guide

Theory Details and Origin

A variety of conspiracy theories about the Hivemind Sentius Network have been present for decades, ever since they appeared on the geopolitical scene. Most of these theories were born due to the unknown nature or goals of these networked androids. Nobody knows where they came from, who made them, if anybody, and to what goal they work towards. People only truly know what they have observed, and the Hivemind is careful to keep their dealings discrete.  
Because of this dozens of theories have sprouted across the Delta Space, ranging from the plausible to the absurd.   Some have suggested they are simply a misunderstood race looking to find their own place in the Delta Space and that they are of no real harm.   While others, more commonly, believe they are a malicious force with some sort of secret agenda. An agenda ranging from conquest and subjugation to complete and utter annihilation of all biological life.
  This latter category of theory is where this one lies. The theory, states that the Hivemind Sentius Network is actually an advanced tactical invasion force sent ahead by an unknown geopolitical entity from outside of the Delta Space in order to prepare the area for a full-on invasion. The theory does not state who supposedly sent the androids, why they would need or want to do so, or how they were able to send a force of androids through the Unknown Space into the Delta Space. The theory continues by stating that the likely reason for the advanced invasion is likely to build a base of operations, with vast required resources, for when the true force arrives. And to weaken and sow discontent geopolitically in the Delta Space so as to make the invasion an easier event when it is actually launched in full.  
Tabloid journalist, Lor Izox
The theory originates from a tabloid 'journalist' named Lor Izox, who posted a detailed summary of the theory on his blog. Izox states two large revelations in this blog post, one that he has spent "significant time" amongst the Hivemind Sentius Network, even going as far as stating that he has spent time on the Hivemind's capital station, the Hivemind Sentius Main Networking Control Board And Operations Station.   That claim itself is far-fetched, as no one has been allowed on the station outside of the networked androids, and those that allegedly have, have not returned to tell their tale.
  Izox's second claim, one which has more potential validity behind it, was the retrieval and posting of the Hivemind Sentius Network Technica Guide a lengthy manual that depicts dozens of technical guides on the androids themselves, how their network works, and various notes and comments made by a third-party, which is theorized to be the creators and incoming force that made the original androids of the network.   However, a lot of data within this guide has been redacted and/or was completely missing to begin with. Also, much of the technical information is out of date, the Hivemind Network having long evolved past those models and subroutines for their network. So, they have no practical use in any sort of fight against the androids. However, it is these notes that are most intriguing, as they state various times that their android functionality will be useful for things like recon, resource gathering, base building, and political manipulation.   All of this combined, and the fervour amongst the public to find a reason for the presence of the androids in the Delta Space have given this theory a lot more credence than it may have had otherwise. Many of the conspiracy theorists, and the public populace that has stumbled upon this theory, are actively seeking confirmation of what the androids are up to. And for a reason to act against the androids, with many people feeling that a unified force should be sent to fight off the androids and foil the plans of whatever invading forces are yet to come.  

Evidence to the Contrary

However, there is reason to doubt Izox's theory, for those wishing to take a more critical look at the evidence. First, and most simply, is that the evidence posted by Izox has not been corroborated by anyone, so Izox's word must be trusted at face value. This is problematic since Izox has primarily worked in the tabloid news field, and many of his claims in the past have been proven false. Though Izox is adamant that what he has experienced and collected in this case is true, and that regardless of the corroboration issues people must believe him.   The second reason to doubt these claims is the Technica Guide Izox supposedly recovered from the Hivemind Sentius Network. This evidence is two-fold, first, is that the network is not known to hold on to irrelevant data. In the past, the Hivemind Sentius Network has alluded that they deleted old data that is no longer relevant or important to their current dealings. Stating that it is important to keep their server space clear for important information and network data. An old guide with outdated models that are no longer used, with various notes from an unconfirmed individual is hardly relevant data. So it would be difficult to believe that the network would hold on to this. Further, the Hivemind Sentius Network is extremely private and protective of its territory and its network-operated stations. They have been known in the past to shoot down anyone approaching any of their stations without proper authorization.   Only a few special dignitaries and important figures have been allowed limited access to the interior of the Hivemind Sentius Main Networking Control Board And Operations Station, with strict restrictions on where they could go and what they could see. Others who board the station are those deemed guilty of severe infractions against their territorial rules. These individuals are never seen again. So, it is highly unlikely that a tabloid journalist would be allowed to spend significant time amongst the network on their most secure station and be allowed to leave with sensitive material on his person.
This conspiracy theory proposes that the Hivemind Sentius Network is an advanced invasion force designed to build its strength and weaken the geopolitical forces of the Delta Space. All while waiting on the arrival of a much larger force of unknown origin from outside of the Delta Space who are seeking to either subjugate, or destroy, all or at least the majority of the Delta Space.   While the theory is not widespread, it is popular amongst political conspiracy theorists, most of which believe in the validity of this particular theory. The validity of this theory is admittedly dubious, however, as much of the 'evidence' comes from the controversial Hivemind Sentius Technica Guide. A document that was leaked by a tabloid aboard the Variance space station supposedly details various design details, and notes from the android races creators.
Who are the Hivemind Sentius Network?
The Hivemind Sentius Network is a large group of networked androids that first emerged sixty years ago, they rapidly annexed small territories to form one of the largest spaces among the Territorial Governances. Their territory, largely uninhabited, is used for mining and gas collection, with inhabited planets left to fend for themselves unless paid.   Renowned for advanced technology, they avoid partnerships with MegaCorpos, except for material purchases, and hoard resources in massive warehouses. Their motives remain unclear, causing widespread skepticism and fear of retaliation. Their territory lies in the southern quadrant of the Delta Space.
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