Punk Rock Talk

Origins and Use

Punk Rock Talk is a form of slang developed by and used by the Vega-9 Punks both on the Variance Space Station and abroad when on various missions and humanitarian aid missions. It was first developed in the earlier days of the Vega-9 Punks, specifically the first few years after the original bar, the Vega-9, disappeared.   It was constructed for the punks of the group to secretly communicate with each other without outsiders or more importantly, figures of authority, able to understand or decipher them. The code used in Punk Rock Talk does change over time as certain phrases will get picked up on by outsiders after repeated usage, so these phrases are discontinued and are replaced with new phrases and codewords.    The usage of these phases and slang will often sound like gibberish or unrelated rock terms like, "mosh" or "thrash". To most those phrases might mean to dance about aggressively or throw about your limbs violently, but in certain contexts to the Vega-9 Punks it may mean to gather at a specific safe space or that urgent attention is required on a specific matter.   The main commonality in Punk Rock Talk is its usage in the Vega-9 Punks' humanitarian aid and resistance work, which is a major belief system for them — the Vega-9 Punks believe in unrestrained individuality and in people's rights to mutual aid, respect, and freedom. A major focus for the punks at the current time is retrieving refugees from the front lines of the Ka’yar Civil War and bringing them to the Variance for resettlement. This sort of action is illegal in the Ka'yar Colonial Governance and is heavily frowned upon by authorities on the Variance. The use of Punk Rock Talk helps keep these activities secret and difficult to track.  

Examples of Punk Rock Talk

Get to the Mosh
This means that meeting up at the nearest safe point as soon as possible is required. Typically this indicates that either danger is nearby and a quick exit is required or that their presence is required for something important at the nearest safe space — This could mean meeting with a team of punks to conduct a humanitarian mission, or to connect with a refugee or Vega-9 Punk affiliate.
Time to Thrash
This means that it is time to take action; usually urgently or in response to an imminent threat. This could potentially be starting a protest, or officially starting an important mission. The details are typically discussed in secret prior and this phrase is used as an activator at or near the location of the event.
Waves hit the Radio
Confirming if a communication has reached its intended recipient or not; if followed up by "It Crashed" then it means the communication was not met positively or that something didn't go according to plan and actions should be halted. If followed up by "They Luving it" then the message was received well and the next actions can be taken.
Pulse Check
Is a sly comment meant to ascertain if authority or police are present or nearby by, if replied with "Burnt up bruv" no authority is present or they've moved on or been given the slip. If "Vibe's off" is the reply then the authorities are nearby and/or are present no action should be taken and casual dispersal is required.
A slang language used by the Vega-9 Punks. While outsiders may dismiss it as lazy gibberish spoken by buzzed-out rockers, it is a coded language developed for discussions requiring secrecy.   This language is particularly popular when the punks need to discuss sensitive topics, such as illegal humanitarian aid. Although not associated with religion, Punk Rock Talk aligns with the Vega-9 Punks' beliefs in mutual aid and unrestrained individuality.
Example Conversation
Punk 1: "Oi, Waves hit the Radio?"
Punk 2: "Yup. They Luving it. Time to Thrash?"
Punk 1: "Nah yet. Pulse Check?"
Punk 2: "Burnt up bruv. Get to the Mosh in 10?"
Punk 1: "Got it. See you there."
Punk 1: "Oi, was the communication received?"
Punk 2: "Yup. All is good. Time to start the mission?"
Punk 1: "Not yet. Any authority around?"
Punk 2: "No, they've cleared out. Get to the nearest safe point in 10?"
Punk 1: "Got it. See you there."

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Ethnicity | Jul 10, 2024


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