Recognition of New Space-Bound Territorial Governance Borders Document in The Delta Space | World Anvil

Recognition of New Space-Bound Territorial Governance Borders


Below is an expert from the Recognition of New Space-Bound Territorial Governance Borders document, the entire document has been withheld both for length and security considerations.
Introduction and Purpose
The purpose of the Recognition of New Space-Bound Territorial Governance Borders document is to outline in detail the recognition of new geopolitical borders established within the borders of the Delta Space. This document provides a framework for understanding the agreements and protocols surrounding these new boundaries between all recognized parties.  
This document was designed for and applies to all those geo-political bodies and relevant corporations and stakeholders involved in the exploration, colonization, and geopolitical activities within their, here within, defined borders. This document further establishes the delineation, governing, resolution, and any future change to current space-bound borders.  
Each elected territorial governance (defined below) have both individually and as a group agreed upon the current borders as defined within this document. They have also agreed upon accepted rules of engagement for when each governed territory comes up in question. Including rules surrounding changing, modifying, or adding in new territories that may change the agreed-upon borders and their members.  
Geopolitical Borders
Geopolitical Borders are the physical representation of each Territorial Governances earned territory and the tangible space it takes up within the Delta Space. These borders are referenced in the visual in the attached mapped asset. These borders are subject to change and may not always be updated in this document.  
Territorial Governance
A Territorial Governance is the political body recognized by this document that has been given the right to rule as they see fit within the parameters set within this document as long as they reside within its own Geopolitical Borders. Any efforts to expand their Territorial Governance must meet standard rules of engagement described in this document.

Currently Recognized Territorial Governances

  The Outer Sector Freeholds - O.Sec F
Commonly referred to as O. Sec F, they are the closet territories to the borders of known space and the wild and unpredictable Unknown Space. There is no central law in O.Sec F, and are only considered a territory for classification purposes under this document. O. Sec F is often taken advantage of, as their territory is completely disconnected from each other and they have no ability to communicate with each other effectively or defend themselves from foreign intrusions.   The Federated Territories of Vash
A smaller territory to the west of the Delta Space, the Federated Territories of Vash are unique in the fact that they have several self-governing provinces that require little to no assistance from their central federal government. However, the federal government allows the territory to have a stronger more unified representation when discussions with other Territorial Governances arise. They are another fairly young territory, having not formed their central federal government until just recently in the grand scheme of Delta Space history.   The Hivemind Sentius Network
A species of networked androids that share the same name as the territory they govern. They currently reside in the southernmost quadrant of the Delta Space and control a sizeable area. They acquired this area rather quickly, within the span of a few decades, all through legal but under-the-radar means, acquiring the mantle of Territorial Governance legally but at the begrudging acceptance of the rest of the territories. They are the most mysterious and guarded of the territories which has brought much suspicion on them.   The Imperial Council of Planets
One of the oldest territories in the Delta Space, they too existed before this document codified their borders. They are one of the original signers of the document and have only expanded their borders since its drafting. The Imperial Council of Planets is a Stratocracy, a military lead government whose officials are military chiefs who follow a strict political structure. The Imperials know the ins and outs of the document rather well and have used to their advantage numerous times to bolster their own personal gains.   The Lupine Democratic Monarchy
Not an original signer of the document but an early adopter of it. The Lupine Democratic Monarchy is located in the north of the Delta Space, west of the Imperial Council of Planets. They are a modern monarchy, where a queen sits on her throne through democratic means instead of by line of succession or via divine right. The current matriarch of the Lupine is Queen Galina Kos the Matriarch.   The Exon Authority
A unique union-led government that resides in the northwest of the Delta Space. They are known for their vast material-rich system and their mining-based economy. While they have technically been a part of the officially recognized governments established during the first draft of this document they have since switched from being a standard oligarchy to their current union-first model.   The Ka’yar Colonial Governance
They are one of the oldest nations in the Delta Space, spanning a rule that goes back eons before the drafting of this document. They were one of the few nations that did not agree with the signing of this document but begrudgingly signed it to keep up appearances with other territories that may be of concern down the line. They have lost over half of their territory since the inauguration of this document, with the vast majority of lost space being taken by The Representative Democracy of Liberation to whom they used to be one nation.   The Representative Democracy of Liberation
A rather new Territorial Governance that only gained official recognition about forty years ago when they broke free from their former masters in the Ka'yar Colonial Governance. While their space is less economically important than their former siblings, they technically have more territory in their control. The Ka'yar Colonial Governance does not recognize the RDL's claim to this land and has deemed it a rogue state.   The Variance Space Station
Easily the most unique of all Territorial Governances as it is technically, only a space station. However, this space station is an oddity of all oddities within the Delta Space as its interior is an ever-shifting ever-expanding expanse of shifting halls and rooms. An entire civilization lives within its walls conducting just as much business as many of the other Territorial Governances do. The Variance Space Station is located in the exact center of the Delta Space.
The Recognition of New Space-Bound Territorial Governance Borders is a centuries-old document drafted in collaboration with the then powers of the Delta Space. Within it describes the definition of a Territorial Governance, who could become one, and details the rights each governance has when dealing with their neighbours. Especially those found bordering their geopolitical borders.   The document, while old, infrequently updated, and not fully adhered to much of the time, outlines the structure in which the geopolitical borders of the Delta Space would be drawn and kept for generations. To this day it is referenced during great matters of geopolitical importance. Unfortunately, it is also often used as a tool of manipulation with the various governments waving about the document about as if it gives them carte blanche to do anything they wish.
Table of Contents

Lasting Effects
The Recognition of New Space-Bound Territorial Governance Borders is one of the most profound documents to ever have been drafted in the Delta Space. Initially, it represented a setting aside of ego for the betterment of the Delta Space. Its main intent was to quell the constant fighting and bickering between local governments on what controlled what and whose space was whose.   And for a long time, it did as much, not perfectly of course but it helped make solid lines of delineation so that no one could argue. It codified the right of law for most of the geopolitical players still currently in play in modern times. This has since been used many times over to justify underhanded dealings, border amalgamations and/or modifications and just generally underhanded shady dealings of governments and the MegaCorpos that secretly puppet them about. But regardless of this, it laid a framework for how inter-geopolitical relations should be handled between neighbours.

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