The Ka’yar Colonial Governance and The Representative Democracy of Liberation

Please note that along with original content only found in this article, the article also uses various pieces of other articles that I have written about the Ka'yar people for the purpose of context.   At some point I may make separate articles for these two Governances, however, I believe that describing them both in one article for now, highlights their shared origins, their differences and their similarities.

A Shared Origin

The Ka'yar have existed as a people for longer than any can recall, and are certainly amongst the older people and civilization found in modern Delta Space. As a species they have likely existed for at least an eon, though this is unconfirmed knowledge as their written records began roughly 3.1 terraseconds (Ts) ago. What is known, however, is their formation as a solidified planetary nation and their expansion into the wider galaxies as a colonial force.   The early days of the Ka'yar before planetary unification is a murky time in their history, and many believe that over time the details have been tweaked to form a more captivating and flattering form of shared Ka'yar history. The truth, is widely unknown, but the history books describe a time of uncertainty, a time in which the Ka'yar people were fractured, scared, and hungry on their own planet due to squabbling political factions and various cultural and ethnic groups of the Ka'yar disagreeing with each other and fighting over hastily drawn borders. Until the man who would become the first King of the Ka'yar emerged from seemingly nowhere and pulled his people together to create a unified force of peace and strength. Below is the officially recognized history of the first Ka'yar king.  
Exert from a Ka'yar Historic Volume on the Lineage of Monarchs and Early Colonization Years

The man who would eventually become King Ty'kus Ysodus I was from a tiny unnamed island on the Ka'yar homeworld of Ky'tos Alpha. Ysodus was not initially a man of passion nor was he one who held any such goals to rule and unite his people. But one day, he supposedly stumbled upon a prophetic stone, eventually known as Ysodus' Stone, buried in the sand on the beach of his home. Its origins are unknown but it is said to have spoken to Ysodus, whispers of the future and a planet and its people that would only survive and flourish with his interventions. Ysodus took the stone, and would keep it for the rest of his life, allowing its warmth and its occasional whispers to guide him and his people to prosperity.   As such Ysodus would leave his tiny island, never to return, and over the next three decades travelled all over Ky'tos Alpha, spreading his message of unity and a future of prosperity. His words were simple, but enlightening, "fight not each other but for each other."   And over these decades he would gather an enormous force of followers, Ka'yar from across the planet, each one pushing for reconciliation and a breakdown of geopolitical borders in favour of a one-world government policy. One that would eventually happen, with all independent governments voting to dissolve and unify as one under the wise rule of the first King of Ka'yar, Kig Ty'kus Ysodus I. From then on, the kingship would pass from monarch to eldest, and so on. By the time Ysodus I's grandchild had taken over rule, King Ych'os Ysodus, Third to Rule, the Ka'yar had turned to space-faring and colonizing nearby moons. First with the nearby moons of Dromia and Dephura, and then soon after the planets of Komo, Ibo, and Larr.   The Ka'yar would officially recognize themselves as the Ka'yar Colonial Empire by the end of their first century of expansion and colonization. And after The Founders arrived, they would soon rename themselves to the more modern recognition of The Ka'yar Colonial Governance.
    All the while, during these expansion years and the many centuries and millennia ahead, the Ka'yar monarchs were said to have been driven by the prophetic whispers of the Ysodus Stone. Which is rumoured to still be in the possession of the monarch's lineage, though it is unclear if this means that King Ta'liote Myridos XIV or his daughter, the future queen, Ta'lyis Myridos is currently in possession of it.   Many facts about the above history are disputed, however, especially surrounding the Ysodus Stone, like; is the prophetic Ysodus Stone real? Did it really guide the early kings of the Ka'yar to push for unity and expansion for the greater good of it's people and their ever-expanding territories? Is the stone truly still in the possession of the monarch's long lineage? Is it truly prophetic? Is it an Abnormality Objects of extreme power and age?   Others question the legitimacy of Ka'yar rule across their numerous colonies, believing that the people of the conquered planets had been either persuaded under false claims of safety and prosperity or had been forced against their will to bend the knee to the Ka'yar monarchy. Whether by force or persuasion, many planets within the colonies of modern Ka'yar Colonial Governance no longer believe in the promises given upon their admittance into the fold. Many of these planets secretly harbour wishes to leave the Ka'yar Colonial Governance to either join the more liberal thinking Representative of Democracy of Liberation or take the chance at becoming independent once more. However, this choice is seemingly not theirs as the Ka'yar Colonial Goverance keeps a close eye on potential dissidents and betrayers of the monarch. All of whom are dealt with swiftly.   Regardless of these questions, the fact remains that the Ka'yar are a people with a long history, one dotted with a complex and often muddled history of conquest under the guise of prophetic guided unity and prosperity. A fact many modern minds dispute as a falsity, a long-lasting gift perpetuated by a monarchy to persuade its citizens to play along for the sake of a power-hungry nation. One that has, at least in part, fractured a governance that once held almost two-thirds of the southern reaches of the Delta Space.
Ky'tos Alpha, the homeworld of the Ka'yar people, currently residing in Ka'yar Colonial Governance space.

A Tumultuous Split and Civil War

  Decades ago, the Ka'ya Colonial Governance was the largest Territorial Governance in the Delta Space, having taken over large pieces of space and creating colonies dotted across the southern expanse of the map. Only to be rivalled by the Imperial Council of Planet's territory in the north. The Ka'yar are passionate people who once they set their minds to something attend to it with an unrivalled zeal. And for several hundred years, their focus lay on expansion and colonialism, and were led in these passions by their divine king.   However, after years of expansion, it became apparent that their rampant attempts at further colonization were beginning to show signs of decay. With resources beginning to stretch thin, changes would have to be made to support the acquired planets and people. One side believed that further colonies were required, ones that could produce and supply the required resources and further that they would have to continue to trust in the words of their king. Who they saw as indefatigable, noble, and divine. The other side believed that their monarchy had failed them, and that a new modern political system was required, one that listened to the people and took their thoughts and opinions into consideration. This side also believed that any formerly colonized nation or region should be given the opportunity to leave or to join in collective rule with them.   Each side passionately disagreed with the other, and would eventually form their own factions to fight against one another and prove their point. Now, several decades later, what would become known as simple The Ka'yar Civil War continues to rage on. With the traditionalist group of monarchists, the Ka'yar Colonial Governance, and the modern freedom fighters, the Representative Democracy of Liberation fighting tooth and nail against one another to prove their point of view right. A sibling squabble that has caused decades of war and violence to rip across a huge stretch of the southern reaches of the Delta Space.  
The Ka'yar Civil War officially started forty years ago in the Founder's Era Galactic Calendar Year of 3633; Variance Time - Year 2844.

The following two sections describe the differences between the two sibling nations ideologically and politically.

The Ka’yar Colonial Governance

The Ka'yar Colonial Governance, are traditionalists whose aim is to advocate for and uphold traditional Ka'yar culture, life, and the rule of their king and their right to rule. This includes continuing to support and control their current territory and colonies, with the intent of eventually becoming an expansionist-focused colonial monarchy once again. To be clear, however, this is the widespread propaganda of the ruling elite.   The only people who truly believe in this ideology are those within the populace of the governance that benefits from the continued rule of the monarchy and the exploration of the conquered colonies. Sadly, much of the Ka'yar population outside of the ruling class has become brainwashed with war propaganda and a heavily controlled and altered historical text. Painting the monarchy as saviours of the masses, and those that oppose them as a threat to the peace the monarchy has cultivated in the area. Most of this information is highly dubious, while much of it, is flat-out false.   The Ka'yar Colonial Governance to support their ever-expanding needs continue to use slavery and the won-rights mentality of war, rampantly using the resources and people of won territory as if they are renewable resources without end or feeling. They believe in the divine right of rule by their king, and do not wish to allow the voices of their native or colonized citizens to speak or to be heard let alone have a hand in rule.   They are also known to conscript all of their citizens, stating that it is a right to serve their king in the governance time of need against the insurgent fools they believe their sibling rivals to be. Throwing numerous lives to battle in the hopes that pure numbers will win them the day.   The real Ka'yar populace, generally, still believe in their king and in the monarchy style of rule. Though this is likely due to rampant misinformation fed to the population over generations. Creating a sea of people so pumped full of patriotic fervour that they will believe anything to keep their families fed, safe, and healthy. But slowly things are changing, as cracks in the wall of closed information have begun to form small groups of journalists have begun to spread unfiltered news to the Ka'yar masses. Showing the plight of their colonized neighbours who suffer greatly to support war efforts, the unending fights with those who used to be their siblings, and revealing hidden historical information that was washed from the official records.  
Political Structure
The Ka'yar Colonial Governance is primarily, as its name suggests, a colonial government headed by a monarch. The current monarch is King Ta'liote Myridos XIV who has sat on the throne for nearly five decades. King Ta'liote is known for two major things; being a staunch traditionalist who ardently believes in his divine right to rule, and perpetuating a civil war that has cost the lives of countless over decades simply because he cannot fathom an existence where this rogue state doesn't even bend to will and become subjugated once more.   By name, the Ka'yar Colonial Governance is a political entity that seeks to expand and exert its control over other planets and territories. Taking them over whether by force or by coercion and installing their monarch as a figurehead of authority while promising increased security and prosperity to the people of their new conquest. However, the success of these promises is often mixed at best, and more frequently falls short spinning these colony planets into disarray.   King Ta'liote Myridos XIV has the ultimate power of law across his territory, however, he often delegates the mundane tasks of governing the various planets of his territory to his vessels. But he is known to step in whenever a heavy hand is needed to quelle discontents or rebels. While in reality there are many levels of structure, command, and responsibilities given to various people and teams the structure in the eyes of the King is simple There is a King and there are those who do as they are told. The system in which that occurs matters little to the current King of the Ka'yar.  
The currently held territory of the Ka'yar Colonial Governance, highlighted in yellow

The Representative Democracy of Liberation

The Representative Democracy of Liberation (RDL) are more modern thinkers who believe in democracy, the rights of the people, and discussion-led politics. They do not believe in the power of their former monarchy, nor do they believe in any sort of divine right to rule. Instead, they believe that their politics should focus on uplifting their people and forgoing colonialism and rampant expansion for a commitment towards what they have and the safety and comfort of their people. They have intentionally gone out of their way to distance themselves ideologically and politically from their former brethren in the Ka'yar Colonial Governance.   Within the RDL, the population is much more informed about the wider goings-on of the civil war, their nation's involvement in it, and current affairs both within and outside of their borders. The Ka'yar and those planets and territories that decided to join them in their chosen split from the Ka'yar Colonial Governance are generally more open-minded than their brethren. Though they are still prone to passionate arguments and discussions.   Generally, the people of the RDL are more open to expressing their grievances and opinions, even if they are political, which would not be the case in the Ka'yar Colonial Governance. The RDL allows for the voices of the population to be heard and to be taken into account. There are far more news outlets and publications, and a far larger access to information in general. This has created a populace that is hungry for more and feels more educated and emboldened to not only construct their own opinions but to share them. That being said, this has also led to a population that isn't always on the same page as one another, one person or group may believe they think they know what's best while another would vastly disagree with them.   However, the RDL is not without its faults. They have encouraged tactics in the war that use their own citizens as a source of gorilla warfare soldiers. Using their own brand of nationalism/patriotism created through a sense of shared earned freedom, a breaking of bondage and freedom from throne-led oppression that most of the population wishes to keep. As such much of the army that fuels this side of the civil war are volunteers labelled as freedom fighters. And many of these volunteers are faced with unexpected situations that are not heroic feeling in the slightest. Many of these volunteer soldiers enlist and then are driven to enact acts of sabotage and terrorism aboard stations and ships occupied by the Ka'yar Colonial Governance near their borders. Which often leads to the deaths of non-soldiers.  
Political Structure
The structure of The Representative Democracy of Liberation is a far cry from spurned brethren across the border. They have completely discarded the practice of a sitting monarch and have instead instituted a representative or electoral democracy. Where individuals are voted in by the territories actual population every five years, or as necessary if emergencies arise or someone is deemed unfit to lead. No single head of state exists in the Representative Democracy of Liberation, they are keen to avoid any sort of consolidated power or symbol of authority as their former monarch has become. They fear that any sort of major singular authority figure could spark a focus of hatred and risk a tear in their already shakey hold over the area.   There are several levels of council-style governance, most of which are child councils to the three parent levels. The Planetary Council, the Zonal Council, and the Liberation Council. Whose responsibilities are tied to the governing and care of planets, zones, and the entire RDL's territory as a while. Each of these councils has different responsibilities and scopes, the Planetary Council handles more mundane takes in relation to general life on each individual planet. The Zonal Council typically takes care of interplanetary issues within large expanses in the RDL, and the Liberation Council is concerned with matters that affect the entire nation as a while. There are many Planetary Councils, one per planet, about a dozen Zonal Councils, and only one Liberation Council.   Each of these levels of council are allowed to hold court and discuss practices with each other at any time including at the highest level when major discussions for the territory are being had. Though this sometimes proves difficult due to the sheer number of councils present and actively working within the RDL.   Lastly, and most important to the political structure of the RDL, is that the population is allowed to vote on all matters of major policy-making. This means that they are allowed to have a direct voice via their chosen representative and an actual vote in policy-making if they wish to be involved. This sometimes proves difficult as it can bog down decision-making considerably and makes decisive quick action rather difficult in the RDL.  
The currently held territory of the Representative Democracy of Liberation, highlighted in yellow
Two warring territories that share not only a common species but common origins. These two mega powers in the Delta Space used to be one. But due to many years of tension, a schism occurred and one became two, and these two siblings have continued to battle for over forty years now. Each one believes they are the rightful ruler of the other and have refused to back down despite countless lives lost and little progress gained.   The Ka’yar Colonial Governance and The Representative Democracy of Liberation territories are located in the southcentral and southeast quadrants of the Delta Space.
Table of Contents

The Ka’yar
The same species occupy both the Ka'yar Colonial Governance and the Representative Democracy of Liberation, alongside other colonized species, as they used to be one unified nation. The Ka'yar are passionate people, and often throw themselves full-hearted into whatever endeavour has impassioned them. As such, you often find Ka'yar that are masters of their craft in whatever profession they have chosen. They are also rather hot-headed and often come to argue with each other if their opinions differ. The ongoing conflict is the most extreme example of this.   The Ka'yar in appearance are amongst the most beautiful in the Delta Space, they have green skin, glowing eyes, and often have long flowing hair that seems to dissipate energy as it flows. Ka'yar are often a bit taller than the average species in their region, most being around six feet tall, but they are a lithe species and despite being so tall are often 150 lbs or less with quite skinny frames. They are dextrous and quick but lack raw strength.
The current king of the Ka'yar Colonial Governance, King Ta'liote Myridos XIV

Ka'yar Colonial King
The current king of the Ka'yar Colonial Governance, King Ta'liote Myridos XIV, has been on the throne of the governance for almost five decades and has seen the entire stretch of the current Ka’yar Civil War. He has not for one moment recognized the legitimacy of the Representative Democracy of Liberation, and believes them a simple rogue state that needs to be culled. Myridos is an ardent traditionalist who believes in the divine sanctity of his rule and the Ka'yar right to establish colonies and bring whatever people under their control as he sees fit.   Myridos however, has become a controversial figure even amongst his loyal followers as he has grown to a significant age entering in his seventies recently. And while most Ka'yar lives well into their hundreds, the stress of decades of civil war has clearly taken its toll on the king, and he has become easily agitated and desperate to bring the people of the Representative Democracy of Liberation back until his boot where they belong.   Rumours have begun circulating that King Ta'liote Myridos XIV is on his way out, being slowly removed from power so that his daughter, Ta'lyis Myridos the first, the first potential Queen of Ka'yar to reign in a thousand years can take his place. And while this may seem like good news, it is rumoured that Ta'liote's daughter is an extreme and volatile individual who wishes to exterminate the traitors within the Representative Democracy of Liberation instead of subjugating them.
Ta'lyis Myridos, future Queen of Ka'yar
Trade and Travel
Unfortunately, due to the ongoing civil war between these two governances, most trade and travel are heavily restricted with only a few ports being open to outsider travel. As such, the economies of both areas suffer greatly. Primarily in exporting/importing goods to other governances, and with the luxury and travel industry.   Both areas have plenty of luxury planets with sought-after climates and environments but most are located in heavily disputed areas and have been absolutely ravaged by the war. And many once popular trade stations are now shells of their former glory, orbiting trade stations like the Floating Trade Market Station of Obscillia have been left abandoned due to frequent nearby skirmishes and violence.   A major commodity that the two factions continue to fight over is Ignition Crystals, a material used in the drives that proper spaceships. A material that lies primarily along the border between the two nations in small but numerous clusters of asteroid fields, this material is paramount for the Delta Space at large and control over it means an instant increase in fortune. And while the Ka'yar Colonial Goverance holds a large stockpile of the crystals it won't last forever, and ease of access to precious material is important.
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Ever Shifting Borders
Over the last forty years of fighting the borders and territories of each group have shifted back and forth numerous times. Despite a respite of major border changes in the last ten years or so it continues to be extremely difficult for foreign bodies and cartographers to genuinely understand whose territory is whose. Especially now that the Imperial Council of Planets has joined into a partnership with the Ka'yar Colonial Governance and has begun putting military pressure upon The Representative Democracy of Liberation's northern borders.   As such, most maps that include these two territories are at best, a summation or educated guess as to who resides where currently. It would be far too costly in both time and energy to be constantly updating the map with new information and territory changes. Some small news organizations whose sole focus is to cover the movements of the war have tried their best to keep people informed. Giving blog-style news updates as frequently as possible to give all of those invested enough a view of the ever-shifting circumstances within these contested zones.


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