Space Cowboy - Vara Vex

Who is Vara Vex

Vara Vex is a well-known celebrity of sorts in the Delta Space, known for their unsettling and often cosmic horror-themed stories and poetry in which they travel around showcasing at pop-up events at random venues. Vex is also, a well-regarded Space Cowboy, a title earned by those that wander the Delta Space — taking on various jobs and adventures to satiate their own desires, whether they are monetary or philosophical in nature.   However, Vex is much more renowned for their creative and macabre story telling, which they perform verbally to live crowds across Delta Space and via pre-recorded audio tracks. They often tell these cryptic horrific tales as short stories, or in poem form — they rarely tell the same story twice preferring to chill the spines of their audience with new tales each time they perform.   Before their storytelling career, and before they strode off into wider beyond as a Space Cowboy, Vex grew up on The Variance Space Station. Not many details are known about their young life, and while it isn't confirmed, they have implied that they were born on the Variance — conception on the Variance is strangely difficult, and only a small portion of the station's total population was born there.   Those who were born on the Variance, have a strange connection with the station. An almost undeniable urge to explore its vast intricacies and dangerous Halls. And for those who know about the bizarre nature of the Variance know that wandering could be fatal, as any random door in the Halls could lead to any sort of danger. But those born on the Variance, find themselves wandering regardless, almost automatically. But unlike most, they always seem to find their way back home to the First Floor. However, dangers still persist when exploring even for the Variance Born.   Vex, reportedly, spent much of their youth exploring the station, a relatively normal girl who had never shown any interest in horror, or stories of despair and woe. Then suddenly, when they were a teenager they left the station, beginning their career in horror stories, and haven't returned since. Vex has never publically stated why they decided to leave the station, but those that knew them back in their youth have shared what they know.   After a pretty run of the mill day, Vex went off exploring as they often did. Though, this time they were gone for far longer than usual, in fact, Vex's friends became worried after they hadn't returned for a full night.   Right when their friends had organized a search party, Vex reappeared. They were clearly shaken but alright, though they refused to speak on what had occurred. Only that they had gotten turned around in the Halls, and it merely just took them a small bit longer to return than normal. Vex's friends have stated they knew this was a lie, but didn't prod Vex too much afterwards. Reportedly Vex packed up and left the station shortly afterwards, with barely a good bye to their friends, and no explanation as to why.   Soon after Vex left the Variance, they began releasing audio tracks and performing live their tales of woe. All while travelling to and fro across the Delta Space taking on various jobs, garnering themselves a small reputation and eventually earning the title of Space Cowboy. Within a few years of performing, and travelling, they had gained a fervent and loyal fanbase and now regularly performs their tales in front of packed and enraptured crowds.  

Poem of Woe

The following is an excerpt from one of Vara Vex's recent performances, a poem about the fragility of our reality and that jus below the surface chaos seeths and waits.
Beneath Reality's Surface
Beneath reality’s surface, chaos seethes and waits,
A fragile mask of order hiding our true fates.
In a shadow deep, where light cannot live,
Lives the pale sea and its kin.
  The walls of our world have breach,
Tearing glimpses into the madness below.
Writhing, grotesque, pale entities of the unknown,
Occasional breaches mar the world we know,
Eager to break through, their hunger uncontrolled.
  Desperate we cling to this fragile façade,
But the cracks continue to grow.
What lies beneath, with eyes that never sleep,
Awaiting the moment, the veil will rip.
  Beware the silence, the stillness of air,
For chaos seethes, with an insidious glare.
Our world, a brittle dream, on the edge of despair,
Teeters on the brink of an abyss soon to be laid bare.
Vara Vex is a Space Cowboy and a wandering storyteller of sorts. They weaves tales of cosmic horror and existential dread creating stories that often leave their audiences with an unsettling sense of reality’s fragility. Despite this chilling reputation, they are a popular act and people flock to her often unannounced or short-notice appearances.   Vex claims to have seen the true face of the universe and survived only to share its madness. They have never clarified what they meant by this statement, and when asked they divert quickly from the subject.
Vex identifies as they/them and presents slightly more feminine physically. They have been described as exuding an almost otherworldly elegance as if some otherworld presence lies with them. Outwardly, Vex has a short cascade of silver and blue hair, which looks almost black in dim or dark rooms. It often flows over their forehead and glasses, hiding their face.   Vex has a slim build, and lanky arms and legs, depending on their attire some people think Vex's appendages are almost suspiciously long. Vex commonly covers most of their body in dark clothing, usually consisting of black, purple, and silver. They commonly wear a long dark purple leather jacket over whatever outfit they are wearing at the time. Vex is oddly sentimental and attached to this jacket.

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