The Bloom Field

Note; A warning that this is a horror-themed article, and may have some unsettling language. For additional context, I would highly suggest reading The Bloom Plague of Razlo and Virus Floriferum Gemmae Impatientis - The Bloom Plague Virus before continuing with this article.


What is the Bloom Field?

The Bloom Field is a shocking and extremely unsettling event currently developing on the moon of Razlo, which is ten years deep into a devasting sickness called the The Bloom Plague which has destroyed the population of the moon almost entirely. The Bloom Field is a geological anomaly that is growing on the moon, once a simple field, it has now become a sea of plague-ridden corpses. Each of these corpses is a Bloom Plague Puppet, a victim that has died of the plague and has become a walking plague bearer, easily identifiable by their purple rotting form and the large sunflower(s) that have erupted from their flesh. The field is littered with these corpses, for as long as the eye can see, at a glance, it is a purple and yellow sea of sunflowers. But upon close inspection, a ghastly visage of an army of death.   The Bloom Field has quickly formed over the last few weeks, with thousands of Bloom Plague Puppets congregating, and rooting themselves in place. Quite literally, dark blighted tendrils leach out from the plagued corpses and sink into the ground, rooting the corpse into place. And thousands of these corpses have now down this, all lined up side by side, collected together in a macabre and decayed visage. The Bloom Field has grown rapidly and takes up roughly 1'000 km2 currently, an enormous space for a small moon of only 5'000 km2 of land. And this amount of space was rapidly rooted and grew within a few short weeks.   Sightings have been made by the surviving population of Razlo, stating that hordes of plague-ridden puppets are slowly shuffling their way toward the Bloom Field. With the number of Bloom Plague-carrying corpses present on Razlo, the Bloom Field could easily grow to cover half or more of the moon's total size. It is thought that somehow, these puppets, or the plague itself are strategizing, creating a plan to root out the remaining life of the moon by corralling them into a smaller and smaller territory. The blighted Bloom Field is both an agent to accomplish this and a poison trap for those desperate enough to travel through or into it. However, that would be a fool's errand — only those seeking death would dare travel there. If nothing can be done to quell the expansion of the field, it could spell the end for the remaining survivors of Razlo.
Before the Bloom Field, and before the Bloom Plague was a field of flowers

Before the Bloom Field - Wildflowers Grew

Before the Bloom Field began to grow, and before the plague, the region was a large field of wildflowers. This unnamed field was a popular destination for travellers and lovers of nature. It held dozens of different kinds of flowers, a dazzling array of beautiful colours and bright smells. It would be a lovely day to spend an afternoon lying about the field or walking along the cobblestone path alongside its edge. Appropriately, one of the most common plants amongst these flowers before the Bloom Field appeared, was the Impatient Gem Weed — a common plant found on the moon of Razlo, even today.   The Impatient Gem weed is a common plant on Razlo, it grows in viney tangles of about a dozen or so, each with long spikey vines that bramble together ending in a small fuzzy green pod. The pod when mature bursts open to spread its spore-like seeds in all directions in the hopes of cultivating the next generation of plants. However, this small simple plant is hypothesized to have been the original carrier of the Bloom Plague, its spores infected by whatever virus that Bloom Plague evolved to become. Impatient Gem Weeds can still be seen in the Bloom Field, choked out beneath the cluttered roots and dragging bones of the Bloom Plague Puppets.
On the moon of Razlo is The Bloom Field, a once beautiful field, now a growing mass of plague-ridden corpses, each carrying the Bloom Plague Virus and being puppetted by a parasite to spread its sickness. These corpses, in the thousands, have amassed to form this field, literally rooting themselves to the ground to create this bizarre and decayed field. The field currently takes up roughly 1,000 km2 and is growing by the day, the number of corpses swelling constantly, soon it will cover most of the moon and trap the remnants of the surviving population of the moon Razlo.
Livio Knows About the Bloom Field
It is highly rumoured that outside of Razlo, specifically their sister planet Livio, is completely aware of the growth of the Bloom Field. And to further that, they are actually secretly happy about it. Because now, after ten years of Razlo being under quarantine, an end may be in sight. A rather grizzly end admittedly, but one that could be fortuitous. Some of the upper echelons of Livio have wanted to blanket the moon with missile strikes and wipe the plague off the moon's surface.   But the pesky survivors of Razlo have stopped them from doing so, it would be a PR nightmare if the greater Delta Space found out about a scandal like that. However, if the population meets its demise from an unaffiliated source, like the Bloom Field, then once it has been confirmed there are no survivors, then they can go in and complete their work. Burn the Bloom Field and everything on the moon to cinder, and hopefully start fresh without concern for the plague spreading again.

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