The ReDSun Unit

Origins, Faith, and Mission

The ReDSun Unit is a specialized military unit that is owned and operated by WhiteStar Militech. This unit was created by and is led by the co-founder of WhiteStar Militechs CECO, Tiber Kalix, who required a specialized unit for two purposes. First, they are tasked with missions of the utmost importance for the company. Ones that typically have more high-end stakes for the company's financial success or stability.   However, while this is their official purpose, they are more keen to follow the groups secondary purpose. Exercising missions that spread the goal of their core belief system. The ReDSun's faith system is based on a revelation Tiber Kalix experienced while he was still a general in the Imperial Council of Planet's army.  
According to Kalix, this revelation struck him suddenly one day in the midst of battle. There he was, standing amongst a hail of bullets and laser fire, fighting against one of the many enemies against the Imperials. Each round whizzing by his head, each nearly missing him by mere centimetres, but despite these dozens of near-death rounds, all he could feel was bliss.   A bliss he never felt amongst any peaceful time in his life. When he sat his desk staring at piles of papers and the like all he felt was dread and stress. But in that moment of violence, and the chaos of the unknown of whether he lived or died, he felt in touch with a universe at balance within his soul.
"It was born within a chaotic storm and an expulsion of energy after all. Peace infers that the universe is dying, simply, its true. It is slowly dying from its inaction, from peace.   War and violence spur the heart of the universe to race and become active and alive. It stirs our hearts as well. I truly believe that a universe at peace is a universe on its deathbed. So we must act to keep our true hearts beating."

— Tiber Kalix, CECO, WhiteStar Militech.
  He couldn't explain it, but he knew in that moment, that chaos and battle were the truth of the universe, and that peace was the true enemy of existence. Kalix left the Imperial Council of Planets and soon met his future business partner and co-founder of WhiteStar Militech, Kira Kira, an exiled Lupine from the Lupine Democratic Monarchy.   Together they would form the formidable WhiteStar Militech. And while Kira Kira is less fanatical than the zealot Kalix, he is completely fine encouraging his wrath. Which lead him to encourage Kalix's creation of the ReDSun Unit. After all, Kalix and his crew, regardless of the validity or truth of their faith, were reliable agents in hewing violence. A necessity for WhiteStar Militech, who profits off of war and battle.   And so RedSun Unit was born, formed from Kalix's deep desire and belief in his violent rhetoric. And their mission has continued for the last several decades, a mission that is simply to spread violence, and ensure that the universe can fall into its natural state of disruption.
Further Reading on WhiteStar Militech
The ReDSun Unit, led by CECO Tiber Kalix, is a specialized force within WhiteStar Militech, executing high-stakes missions crucial to the company's financial stability.   Officially, their purpose is to handle significant company matters, but they also aim to spread their belief that chaos and violence are the universe's natural state. They see peace as a sign of a dying universe, advocating for conflict to keep the cosmos vibrant and alive, aligning with WhiteStar Militech's violent tendencies and business interests.
Membership into the ReDSun
To gain admittance into the ReDSun Unit requires not only hard work and proving yourself on the battlefield, but a test of faith is also required. Once a soldier in WhiteStar Militech has proven themselves capable in the field of battle, and that they have a proven history of loyalty to the company they may become eligible for the ReDSun. First however, they will be monitored by a member of the ReDSun Unit secretly. This monitoring is conducted to see if the possible recruit is amicable to the mission statement of the ReDSun. While most in WhiteStar Militech are believers to a degree, it takes a fervent believer to be a ReDSun. If the recruit is deemed a plausible member they will taken at random to be tested.   These candidates undergo a thorough vetting process, including psychological evaluations to ensure alignment with the group's belief in chaos and violence as the universe's natural state. Those who pass these initial stages are subjected to intense physical and tactical training, as well as indoctrination sessions that reinforce the ReDSun Unit's mission of spreading conflict throughout the cosmos. Successful candidates are then initiated into the unit, committing to its creed and objectives directly by its leader Tiber Kalix. Kalix brands the new recruits' flesh with the symbol of the ReDSun Unit symbolizing their commitment to the ReDSun Unit's mission.

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