The Variance Sings to Me

This article is inspired by two songs that have been on heavy rotation for me. Tech Noir and DooM Dance by Gunship and Carpenter Brut. To get a sense of the Variance Space Station and its bizarre seemingly semi-sentient nature, read the general article on it here.

What is the Song?

The Variance Sings to Me, is a chilling phrase being heard more and more frequently upon the The Variance Space Station as of late. This phrase is a reference to a song, at least a song sung in parts at random throughout the station. The voice is always unrecognizable, hard to understand, and many people don't even notice these occurrences its so faint, brief, sudden.   These lyrics blast or whisper through the station's thousands of speakers, or are briefly displayed on one of the numerous aging displays hanging about. The song's lyrics reference a call for help, and that an end is nearing, but for who and how widespread is highly debated. And the song is never sung in full, only in fragments, and never in the same order.   Many believe the song to to be a sort of prophecy, or at least a warning, being sung by the station itself, waxing poetically as it warns its citizens of an impending doom. But no one knows what this impending doom could be. Does it mean the end for the station or the entire Delta Space? Or perhaps even the end of life as they know it. Whatever the lyrics are truly warning against remains a mystery.

How the Variance's Song is Heard?

Most frequently only small snippets of lyrics can be heard, by those who listen closely, coming from the various speakers strewn across the Variance Space Station. A lyric heard from the speaker of a grocer, a rhythm slotted into the middle of another song at a dance club, a warning sung at random during a radio broadcast. Occasionally a string of lyrics will suddenly become displayed on a monitor, a billboard, or any sort of display. Flashing up for a few moments before disappearing without a trace.   No one knows where new or repeated lyrics will come next, and most won't even notice it was sung unless made aware of it. But they are being heard time and time again across the station, some are reportedly being driven mad by the repeated warnings. Becoming obsessed with deciphering the lyrics and discovering the full meaning of the poetic warning. A popular myth has even spread stating that when the song is heard in full, loud and clear, that the end is near.
The station's shadows are whispering, no, singing, dire secrets to those willing to listen. A song, urging people to help. To help themselves, or it, or both? Nobody is sure, the words are hard to hear. The more one listens, the more one understands, that the universe is unravelling. Ending. Amid its Doomed Dance. And when the song becomes loud enough to drive a person mad, the end is near and the dance is done.

  — Quote from someone who has heard the song


The Variance is warning of encroaching danger
This theory proposes that the Variance is warning the citizens of an encroaching danger, possibly from beyond known space, that will put the entire Delta Space in danger. Those who argue for this theory often tie it to the Hivemind Sentius Network - Advanced Tactical Invasion Force theory.   Which states that the Hivemind Sentius Network is an advanced party sent to conduct recon, build resources, and weaken geopolitical borders in the Delta Space, all in preparation for their main force which is travelling through Unknown Space towards the Delta Space as we speak.   While many conspiracy theorists believe this theory and appreciate the synergy the two theories have for one another, most of the public don't believe there is much evidence to support this. Most believe that the Variance is likely warning of some sort of apocalyptic event soon to hit the station, like the ones that affected Caldera-6 or Surrealia.
The Variance itself is in Danger
This theory differs from the encroaching danger theory in that it proposes that the danger lies within the Variance Space Station itself. Though the exact nature of this danger is unknown. The most popular version of this theory states that the Variance is in danger, and is calling for help from its citizens.   The most common guess is that something is amiss with the station's core, which has never been found, and that the station desperately needs assistance or something catastrophic will happen. Perhaps a complete core shutdown, and for a station as unique as the Variance, no one knows what that could mean.   The station has grown in size a thousandfold since the arrival of its first citizens, and its hallways can hold literal worlds, so no one knows what would happen if the station melted down. Though everyone assumes it would not be good for anyone aboard, or anywhere near the station. It could possibly even be catastrophic for the entire Delta Space.
The Variance Sings to Me is a recent phenomenon spreading across the Variance Space Station, one that prophecizes an end is coming. Though, what that end entails has been left to much debate. Whether it means the end of the Variance, or the end of the Delta Space, or the end of all, is unknown.   Part of the reason for the debate is that this prophecy is only imparted in small doses. Sent by the Variance itself some argue, and heard in song, with short bursts of lyrics being pumped through tinny speakers, or displayed on old monitors at random across the entire station. These lyrics are cryptic, and never heard in full, leaving much room for debate of their meaning.
A speaker in one of the many markets on the Variance Space Station

Reported Lyrics — Heard in Fragments
"Dancing in the void, a doomsday serenade. The countdown has begun, and the dance is set to fade."

— A lyric, believed to be the chorus of the Variance's song
"From the station's heart, a final call we send, An SOS for help, the end is nigh, my core."

— A lyric, debated by many as to its meaning
"Listen to the station, as it sings its final hymn. A final beat, as our music dies. Before our silence, hear our cries. Listen to the station, a final call we urge."

— A lyric, which is believed by many to confirm the Variance is trying to communicate with its citizens.

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