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The Colds Goddess, The Frostmaiden, Icedawn, Lady Frostkiss

Auril, also known as the Frostmaiden, is a deity of cold and evil. She is a fickle and vain deity, who is primarily venerated out of fear. She is worshipped mostly in the North and Everfrost due to its cold climate, usually out of fear rather than adoration.   She appears as a fit female with long white hair, and transparent skin made of ice. She is wearing a long white flowing gown, adorned with diamonds.   Auril is the embodiment of winter's wrath. She is arrogant, capricious and unpredictable. She takes great pleasure in torturing her enemies and harassing her foes. Sacrifices and worship to her are often done out of fear.  


Auril's temples were prominent in regions of her influence. Built out of ice, these spired shrines stood out and beckoned all who wished to pay their respect to the Cold Goddess. Her largest temple, the House of Auril's Breath, is deep in the Everfrost and the rituals conducted there to worship the Goddess are seen as cruel and barbaric by outsiders.   Auril's clergy is loosely organized, and many clergy members roam the lands, especially in the North, though her clergy are now being seen more often in the Heartlands. Auril's church has a few males within its ranks, but most clergy of the Frostmaiden are female.   Because of their immunity to natural cold, priestesses of Auril are often seen scampering lightly through the snows in summer-weight clothing or bathing in frigid river waters in the depths of winter to no apparent ill effect. They need much less food than other beings because of this ability, and often roam the northlands energetically when blizzards have forced other folk to hole up against the weather. Many priestesses of Auril make a handsome living delivering medicines, messages, and needed supplies throughout the northlands in winter.   In the cold months, Auril expects each of her priests to force or persuade someone to pray to her in the approved manner by beseeching Auril for mercy and praising her for the "cold cleansing" she brings. This prayer must last for the length of time it takes a piece of ice larger than the "supplicant's" hand to melt against his or her bared flesh. It must be done out of doors and preferably at night. During the winter, Aurilian clergy are also expected to slay at least one creature by cold. This is often done so as to provide worshipers or potential worshipers of the goddess with food or to slay a personal foe of the priestess or priest.

Divine Domains

  • Nature (Winter Air, Cold)
  • Tempest (Winter Storms, Snow Squalls)


Black Ice is a corruption of Ever Ice, tainted by Auril's malice and evil. Unlike Ever Ice, Black is a living thing, like a virus. If it spreads, it saps the heat and energy from anything around it, leaving only a desolate, cold waste. Without proper care, instant cold damage and frostbite can occur upon contact with it.   Though there are many instances of Black Ice, it is all considered to be part of the same mass, operating similarly to a propagating ooze which splits when it gets too big.

Holy Books & Codes

The Codicil of White, a priestly book describing Aurilian rituals which was used to try and stop the Deluge by harnessing her power to freeze the waters. Something went terribly wrong, resulting in the Everfrost.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Six-pointed snowflake

Tenets of Faith

Cover all the lands with ice. Quench fire wherever it is found. Let in the winds and the cold; cut down windbreaks and chop holes in walls and roofs that her breath may come in. Work darkness to hide the cursed sun so that the chill Auril brings may kill. Take the life of an arctic creature only in great need, but slay all others at will. Make all Faerûn fear the Frostmaiden. Revere the Cold Goddess and sing her praises into any chill breeze or winter wind. Do not raise your hand against any other cleric of Auril.


Midwinter Night is the most holy time of the year to clergy of Auril. It is a festival of ice-dancing that lasts the whole night through, during which the goddess desires her clergy both to enjoy themselves and to lure as many folk as possible into her service.   One of the most well known holidays was Winter's Kiss which were celebrated with the wet parades. The parades involved the wearing of garments stuffed with ice. While wearing these garments, participants would race through the streets to climb six white pillars, called the Kisses of Auril. They would climb the pillars to kiss the iron plates located at the top of each spire. During the winter, frostbite and physical injury are quite common during these climbs due to the ice stuffed clothes and slippery pillars. Participants are given free food and drink for the remainder of the holiday.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

An evil goddess, her main goal is to cover the Realms under ice and snow.
Divine Classification
Alignment: Neutral Evil   Portfolio: Winter Storms, Ice, Biting Colds   Worshippers: Winter Hags, Frost Giants, Northerners, Air & Water Genasi


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