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Sea Mother, Whip of Whips, The Drowning Goddess

Blibdoolpoolp is the patron Goddess of the Kuo-Toa, and just like them, is quite mad. She broods and rages in her palace on the plane of Elemental Water, plotting revenge against those who have done her harm, both real and imagined. She is said to hold much lost knowledge of magic, but shares it with no one; she guards it jealously, believing that virtually everyone wishes to steal it from her.   Not entirely mentally stable, she has a tendency towards paranoia and irrational anger against anyone that displeases her.   She is filled with hatred for the pain her kuo-toa children suffered at the hands of many races. A special enmity was held for surface-dwelling races, as well as illithids and drow. Humans and particularly elves were spited for the initial driving of her children to the Underdark, while mind flayers and drow were seen as competitors for the little territory her followers had left. On the other hand, her hatred for sea dwellers was relatively minor, except for sea elves.   Myths and legends describe Blibdoolpoolp as knowing many ancient arcane secrets about the fundamental makeup of the multiverse. These stories have caused much strife between her and other powers, as well as leading many races to seek for such secrets among her mortal followers. No concrete details of these secrets exist for she shares her knowledge with no one, but there is much speculation that such knowledge can be used to create spells and artifacts of incredible power with little cost. There is some speculation that instead her knowledge is derived from alternate material planes so alien that simply knowing of them has driven the Sea Mother mad.

Divine Domains

Arcana, Knowledge, Death

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Lobster head or black pearl

Tenets of Faith

Survival is a privilege of the mentally and physically fit. Excise the weak, the corrupt, and the mentally deficient in order to achieve communal greatness. Watch the fingerlings and the adults to ensure none are disappointments to great Blibdoolpoolp. The royal blood of the noble priest caste carries with it their right to rule; all kuo-toa are obligated by the Sea Mother to follow and obey the nobility. Atrocities of old were committed by the weak surface dwellers, and usurp the rightful lands of the kuo-toa; capture and sacrifice them in the name of the Sea Mother. In all things, embrace the glory of the Sea Mother, and act in accordance with her wishes and desires; those who do not weaken the very fiber of society and risk corrupting the kuo-toan purity.

Physical Description

Body Features

Her common appearance is as a nude human female with a lobster head and claws. It is unknown why the piscine Kuo-Toa would venerate this form, but sages postulate that they may have come under influence by the Aboleths who used Chuul's as their agents on the surface. The mentally susceptible Kuo-Toa may have latched onto the Chuul's lobster like appearance to "create" their Goddess. However, even this explanation fails to reason why she would be a human woman.

Special abilities

Those forced to look deeply into her eyes at close range could be driven to insanity.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Said to have once been a bright power of an enlightened race, the Sea Mother has degenerated into a dangerously unstable entity, mirroring the degeneration of the kuo-toa. Legend holds that the kuo-toa once lived around shallow tide pools along beautiful temperate and tropical shores, building large settlements that held vast stores of knowledge, both mundane and arcane. The arrival of humans, elves, dwarves, and other demihuman races put an end to that, as constant warfare for the coastal lands pushed the gogglers deep beneath the waves and the earth.    Only underground did they find relative safety, however, as the undersea groups encountered races that already called the plains and trenches home, including races that reminded them of their hated land-based foes, as well as stranger, more powerful creatures such as morkoth and kraken. Eventually even those who fled into the earth found themselves hard-pressed to survive in the face of competition from illithids, drow, beholders, and other underdark races, leaving them as they are today, in slow decline.    Just how much of this is true is hotly debated by sages; what is known for certain is that kuo-toa ruins have been found beneath the waves, and goggler architecture places heavy emphasis on shallow pools, which are not found in the sea depths. There is also speculation over a possible relationship between the kuo-toa and locathah, although neither race admits to a relation, with both insisting on being the creation of their respective deities. And, as much as Blibdoolpoolp’s hatred of humans and demihumans is known, it could be as much from her paranoia and instability as a real ancient conflict. This insanity, as much as anything, makes it unlikely the truth will ever be known to mortals.

Intellectual Characteristics

The Sea Mother is irrational, prone to unpredictable mood swings and fickle changes in behavior. She is also highly secretive, shunning contact with most other deities. She believes herself to hold deeply fundamental magical secrets related to the nature of the universe, but hoards those secrets to herself, making them impossible to verify.
Divine Classification
Alignment: Neutral Evil   Portfolio: Insanity, Revenge, Paranoia, Secrets, Forbidden Magic   Worshippers: Kuo-Toa


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