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Deep Father Dagon, The One Who Knows All, The First From Beyond, Prince of the Darkened Depths

Dagon is a Demon Obyrith Lord, the precursors and creators to the Demons who were also destroyed by them. In ancient myth, when the first primordials arrived in the Abyss, Dagon was already there, lurking in the depths. He possesses lots of lost secrets and blasphemous knowledge, wielding it like a weapon to enact his plans and machinations. As the Advisor to the Demon Prince, his is one of the few Demons to still identify as a hated Obyrith. It is said that Dagon is far more powerful than he appears, capable of wresting the mantle of Demon Prince from Demogorgon whenever he wants. Maybe one day he shall and is just bidding his time. For now, he rests in the lightless abyss...waiting.

Divine Domains

Arcana, Knowledge, Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Six spiraling tentacles around a fanged mouth

Tenets of Faith

Those who dare may seek what I teach, but the secrets of the deep are beyond your reach. Humanity was never meant to venture from beyond the murk. It was a mistake to tread upon the land and an affront that all creatures must pay for. Only when the last mortal soul is swimming in the black abyss will they be forgiven with total oblivion.

Physical Description

Body Features

Dagon's form is a mixture of both octopus and fish. His countless tentacles are covered in black, rubbery skin that are punctuated with many red, unblinking eyes. Fish scales shield his flesh, and row upon row of long fangs jut from his maw. From the body, countless tentacles emerge, writhing and twirling as the movements reveal more tentacles that were hidden behind them. Two tentacles have visible hands ending with sharp claws. Most of those who have seen this are either Dagon's agents or people who have been traumatized by his existence.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Dagon is the consummate schemer, with plans eons in the making. His careful alliance with the Demon Lord Demogorgon has ensured that he remains in a position of power while avoiding most of the attention while his plans are enacted. In exchange for this protection, he feeds information to Demogorgon, but different for each head so that neither ever has the scope of his knowledge. It is said that the knowledge to create Ettins was given by Dagon. This is plausible because he is seemingly responsible for Marsh Giants, a type of Giant outside the of the Ordning social structure.
Divine Classification
Demon Lord, Obyrith
Alignment: Chaotic Evil   Portfolio: Depth, Forbidden Knowledge, Deformity   Worshippers: Kraken, heretical Sahuagin, Wastrilith, Sea Hags, Marsh Giants   "There once was an isle dead west of the sunset, A place where the sun's rays danced carefree and bright. Its shores all a'sparkle in white shining beaches, And jungles aplenty with game day and night.     They say that the people who dwelt there were happy, They say that they lived their lives simple and fair, Yet one day a bitter wind rose from the ocean And took the poor folk by surprise unaware.     For ruin had risen in thunderous fury, A ravenous shadow fell over the shore. And when Father Dagon's black gullet gaped open The waves ran with blood and the isle was no more."


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