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Deep Sashelas

Lord of the Undersea, The Knowledgeable One, Sailor's Friend, The Dolphin Prince

Originally just a Sea Elf God, the Dolphin Prince has risen to prominence post-Deluge. Unlike many Sea Gods, Deep Sashelas has a calmer temperament and his natural charisma makes him a mediator and leader in the pantheon. Nagakaborous is cryptic and Persana is too stern, making him the Face of the Pantheon that receives the most veneration.   However, he is also the most chaotic, prone to flights of fancy due to his carefree attitude. Deep Sashelas is an artist and patron to those who create beauty in the world, but despises those that would try and put a price on it. Ever the fanciful artist, he believes that the creative spirit should never be satisfied and must always seek to improve. Beauty is temporary and transient, and nothing lasts forever, nor should it.   His fickle and flighty nature is the source of many myths that explore his amorous exploits with mortal creatures. Many powerful clerics claim to have a bloodline tie to him from such liaisons.   Deep Sashelas is also vehemently opposed to evil deities of the deep such as Sekolah, Demogorgon, and Dagon. Though not violent by nature, his wrath can be easily stirred by the vile acts of his hated foes. He has the greatest animosity to Panzuriel, God of the Krakens who he fought and banished him from the Mortal Plane. However, in the combat, he severed a tentacle which became lost in the deepest, darkest waters, allowing the God to maintain his presence in the realm.

Divine Domains

  • Knowledge (Gossip, Secrets)
  • Life (Creation, Art)
  • Arcane (Magic)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A dolphin

Tenets of Faith

Swim the great currents and the shallow seas. Exult in the everchanging beauty and life of the bounteous Undersea. Revel in the joy of creation and increase its myriad aspects. Seek not to hold that which is everchanging, but instead love the change itself. Seek out fellow swimmers who honor the ways of the Lord of the Undersea, and ally with them against those who see only the darkness of the deeps. Follow the way of the dolphin. Promote the use of the seas by all reasonable folk for all time to come; fight those who would hoard its riches or pollute its depths.


Deep Sashelas is honored individually through the creation of works of art and other wonders, and prayers are given to the Lord of the Undersea upon initiating and after completing such projects. Daily observances by Sashelas's clergy thank Deep Sashelas for his benevolence and the beauty of the undersea world, but the most important rituals are timed to coincide with especially high and low tides, known as the High Flow and the Deep Ebb, respectively. During such ceremonies, the Delphions make offerings of precious natural objects and items of great artistry. Meanwhile, acolytes swim in complex patterns accompanied by dolphins, and sing deep, reverberating songs of praise to the Lord of the Undersea and his creations. While both ceremonies are similar in form, the High Flow is a joyous celebration emphasizing beauty, creativity, and artistry, while the Deep Ebb is a grim, martial ceremony emphasizing the remembrance of those who are lost and vigilance against the ever-present enemies of the Undersea.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To create beauty in the world and purge it of ugly wickedness.


Religious Views

The Knights of the Killer Whale are an order of Delphion crusaders dedicated to the destruction of the evil races of the sea, including ixitxachiti, koalinth, krakens, merrow, and sahuagin. The order is based in the Citadel of the Seven Seas, a great hollowed-out undersea volcanic plug encircled by an archipelago in the Sea of Swords.   The Lances of the Sea Unicorn are an order of clerics, crusaders, and aquarians who garrison a series of nine undersea citadels and numerous smaller redoubts that stretch across the floor of the Sea of Storms. The order seeks to largely contain the sahuagin threat, responding to reports of raids and patrolling the oceans..   Deep Sashelas also sponsors several loosely affiliated pods of sea elven rangers, but they are not considered part of the church hierarchy.
Divine Classification
Alignment: Chaotic Good   Portfolio: Oceans, Sea Elves, Creation, Knowledge, Underwater and Sea Elven Beauty, Water Magic   Worshipers: Druids, Elves, Fisherfolk, Rangers, Sailors


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