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Prince of Demons, King of Deviants, The Bane of Souls, Master of the Spiraling Depths

Powerful enough to claim the title of Prince of Demons, Demogorgon is a foul lord of of the Abyss who has achieved true divinity. Favoring the intelligent shallow-water rays known as Ixitxachitl, he focuses on domination and inflicting madness. His self-proclaimed title as Prince of Demons was won by virtue of power and influence; many demons challenged it but none could defeat Demogorgon and claim it.   Demogorgon lives on the 88th layer of the Abyss, known as Abysm, the Brine Flats, or Gaping Maw. This is a layer consisting of a great sea of briny water broken by tall, sharp, ugly, rocky prominences rising out of the endless murky water into a sky of yellow mist. Demogorgon's palace is two twin towers shaped very roughly like tightly coiled serpents that are covered with sharp, ugly fin-like features and spines, and crowned at the top with skull-shaped minarets.   The two towers are linked by a bridge near the top. Beneath the fortress are reefs and caverns where aboleths, kraken and ixitxachitl dwell, constantly warring with each other and worshipping Demogorgon in his palace above. His towers are said to extend so far beneath the sea that it connects to the layer beneath him where he speaks with Dagon, an ancient, aquatic Obyrith.

Divine Domains

War, Arcana, Forge

Divine Symbols & Sigils

His symbol was that of a forked tail, often wrapped around a skull or sword.

Tenets of Faith

Trust nobody, not even yourself. Prepare for war against everyone and show no mercy in the face of your foe. Rend and tear and gorge to go strong and amass your power until it is greater than all others. Grow until you can overwhelm and crush all that stand before you. Crush them, taking their peoples as slaves and their lands for your own. Keep up the process no matter how long it takes, until the whole of the seas are under your dominion. Drain the life energy from your foes, for through it you empower yourself and the Lord of All that Swims in Darkness.

Physical Description

Body Features

Demogorgon is a huge reptilian creature with blue-green scales covering his haunches and torso, with a pair of olive-furred mandrill-like heads perched on the end of sinewy necks. His eyes glow with intense evil, and long scaly tentacles sprout from his shoulders where arms should be. His legs are powerful and reminiscent of a giant lizard’s, and he sports a thick, forked tail.

Special abilities

Demogorgon can hypnotize with a gaze or drive creatures around him to terror and insanity just at the sight of him. His whip-like tail has the ability to drain the life energy right out of a living foe. His tentacles inflicted a withering disease that caused living creatures to rot away in an effect similar to that of cause disease.

Mental characteristics

Mental Trauma

Demogorgon is his own worst enemy. He is, in many ways, two creatures that share the same body. Aeumal, his left head, is the more charismatic and calculating while Hethradiah, his right head, is more impulsive and feral. Each views the other as inferior and each believes the other incapable of outfoxing itself. Perhaps the only thing preventing Demogorgon from taking over the rest of the Abyss was his own dual nature.

Intellectual Characteristics

Despite his internal strife, Demogorgon is extremely creative and relishes experimentation and innovation. His depraved mind tinkers and twists creatures into even more depraved versions of themselves. He is said to be credited with the creation of Ettin and the creation of the first Death Knight. However, it is whispered that this knowledge actually came from Dagon.
Divine Classification
Demon Lord
Alignment: Chaotic Evil   Portfolio: Chaos, Corruption, Evil   Worshippers: Ixitxachitl, Kuoa-Toa, Ettin, Demon-kind


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