BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The Wave Mother, The Bearded Lady, Mother Serpent

The impartial Sea-Goddess has many names, but Nagakabouros translates to "the unending monster that drives the sea and sky". She is a dispassionate Goddess who only helps those that help themselves. To be worthy of her blessing, her faithful must prove that they shall always act with conviction. Indecision is Stagnation and Stagnation is Death. Morality isn't something the Mother Serpent is concerned with, only the actions of the individual.   As stated by the truth bearers of her religion, she demands that you follow your desires, to take your own life into your hands, and to never stagnate. To do so it goes against the Mother Serpents wishes.   The Mother Serpent is most commonly depicted as an enormous sea-serpent head with tentacles spiraling around it in endless motion, with no beginning and no end. She may also manifest in the tentacled creatures of the sea, delivering messages through the writhing movements of their tentacles. Her faithful will then try to capture and eat these messengers to better commune with their Goddess

Divine Domains

  • Life (Desire)
  • Tempest (Perpetual Motion)
  • Grave (Fighting against Stagnation)


The Idol of the Bearded Lady is called the Eye of God. It is a large golden flail that can only be wielded by the chosen Truth Bearer of Nagakabouros. With it, the Head Priestess can summon tentacles, test a souls' worthiness, and bash in heads for good measure. Anyone who is unworthy to wield the artifact will have their strength sapped and consumed by it.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Sea Beast with a tentacled beard.

Tenets of Faith

Every spirit was born to serve the universe. Desire was built into every living being by the universe. The universe only moves toward its destiny when living creatures chase their desires. However, don't be satisfied by what is easily achieved. Chase what is not easily caught. Defeat what is not easily defeated. Free yourself to want. Free yourself to dreams. Swim in uncharted waters.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To test the worthiness of an individual's soul and either break their spirit or set them on the path to achieving their dreams. What doesn't break them will make them their strongest self.
Divine Classification
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Lift the light from Mother Serpent To the clouds, up from the waves. The sky looks down, with gray eyes earnest, A calm reflection of her gaze. She smiles, is at peace..."
Alignment: Neutral Good   Portfolio: Tempests, Sea Beasts, Hunting   Worshippers: Wave Callers, Fisherfolk, Harpooners


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