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Guardian of the Deep, Justice of the Depths, the Great Sculptor, the Architect of the Deep

Persana is the creator and patron of the tritons, having sculpted them from elemental water and breathed life into them. He is known as one of the greatest architects among the Gods. While aloof and generally uninterested in the affairs of others, he recognizes that the other good and neutral races of the deep are more likely to keep to agreements and defend allies in need, and so has thrown his lot in with them.   He is usually depicted as a muscular triton with amethyst or emerald skin, a large pink conch, sharkskin armor, and a trident.   He rarely voices an opinion on matters that do not clearly affect his deep-dwelling race, but he can be relied upon to mobilize his followers against existential threats. His main goal with this alliance is related to reducing conflicts between his race and the other races of the deep who are likely to enact and honor territorial treaties, however; he recognizes that mermen, sea elves, locathah, dolphins and whales, are all much more likely to keep the peace than merrow, sahuagin, koalinths, morkoth, krakens, and ixitxachitl.    Persana rarely manifest his power to directly aid his followers. Instead, he favors communicating to his followers in dreams and sendings, sometimes directing them to build someplace or something, he may also indicate a place or object must be guarded or defended; often these are places or objects of great magical power or great evil. Rarely does he include details, as he expects his followers to have the skills and knowledge to undertake what he directs and complete it to his satisfaction on their own. The Justice of the Deep also sends omens in the form of lucky finds of pearls, living caverns, and localized underwater whirlpools, all of which his priests can use to interpret his will

Divine Domains

  • Forge (Architecture, Construction)
  • War (Regimented Battle, Protection)
  • Order (Law, Geometry)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Silver trident against a conch

Tenets of Faith

Honor Persana by using the hands he gave you to sculpt great works. Always strive to better your skills and improve your creations, for it is Persana’s will that the tritons build greatness. The depths that tritons call home are also home to great wonders, great evils, and great secrets. Guard well those things of danger so they do not fall into the wrong hands, and protect both the depths and the shallows against the great evils that lurk in the deep trenches. Evil always rises, and good will always confront it; justice is found in the balance between these forces, for it is the balance of justice that visits good upon evil and evil upon good.


While the church of the Guardian of the Deep holds numerous holy observances, none are found across all triton communities. Instead, such observances honor the deeds and lives of heroes and holy persons, as well as great events that have affected the triton communities in the region such as great battles, the founding of important cities or temples, and so forth.    These ceremonies may be somber or celebratory, depending on the nature of the person or event, but always includes a ritualistic recounting of the life or deeds. This recitation is an ancient art form of the tritons, but varies from community to community, and may be in either prose or verse, and often include a chorus or vocal callback from the audience.    Regardless of the specific form, guests to these events from other races have frequently stated they are deeply moving, even when they do not understand the language. Somber events follow the recitation with quietude and a period of reflection, while celebrations often include a dance by members of the clergy that impresses even the elves. All such events are deeply ritualistic and preserve ancient mannerism and modes of speech.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To bring order to his realm, working with others to establish a well-planned, regulated society.


Religious Views

The clergy of Persana spends most of their time focusing on the duties of their specialization.    The Crafters of Stone spend their time planning out new settlements and building the major structures they will contain, expanding and rebuilding the important buildings of older settlements, and creating much of the public artwork that is found in triton towns and cities. Specific nations and communities of tritons tend to have established standards of planning and construction, with some favoring square plans, others favoring octagonal, and still others favoring triangular designs. Within these established parameters, there is considerable experimentation, although tritons have a deep and abiding love for symmetry in their architecture.    The Crafters of Words maintain the bureaucratic operations of a triton nation or community, writing laws, and adjudicating complaints and grievances between members of the community. They do not rule the lands, however; they instead serve as administrators to the ruling king, emperor, or elected council, depending on how the triton nation is organized.    Finally, the Crafters of War train soldiers and guards and lead military sorties against their enemies. They study their foes and their own history in-depth to better formulate battle plans and strategies, as well as developing detailed defensive and evacuation plans to better protect their lands and peoples.
Divine Classification
Alignment: Lawful Good   Portfolio: Tritons, Architecture, Wards and Guards   Worshippers: Tritons


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