Aggie van Rhait

I don't think I've done anything worth particular praise, if I am honest.   The pieces were there, I simply shuffled them into place.
-Aggie van Rhait

Aggie van Rhait was born in Wolphaujan to middle-class parents who ran a general store, she had a knack for magical abilities from a young age, which she chose to leverage for her families well being as she got older.   As a young woman, she would apply herself to magical study and proved herself to be a competent mage in short order. Many instructors noted her grasp of fundamentals, and through that, she managed to make a name for herself. Unfortunately, that bit of notoriety would come to see her drafted during the Great War soon after it kicked off.   Much to her chagrin, she was a good fit for military work, and found herself on many fronts of the war in short order, but she and her bodyguard always managed to come home, in the end. That is, until a particularly gruesome assault against a position that wasn't worth the cost to take it in the end. Aggie van Rhait survived with serious injuries, but her bodyguard detail did not. One of said bodyguards, her second in command, had written a letter to van Rhait before his death asking her to aid his only child, who had been left with a family in his village when he had been drafted and he had been sending money back home for.   She knew this man never asked for much, and this revelation of a child wasa first for her, but she thought it only natural to assist the child as much as she could. A parting gift to a dear friend.    Before she was even discharged from the hospital, she started to organize the pull and resources that her position provided her, and took a trip of medical leave to the house of the family that had been mentioned in the letter, only to find that there was far more than just one child staying there. Nearly a dozen were living with this old couple, too old to be drafted, and thus a safe haven for the children of those that had been sent off or never came back. They were not the only couple doing something similar, and at that point was when van Rhait resolved to do more than just fulfill her friends last wish.   It took months to put everything in place, while her injuries made that time drag on it also provided her with the time to complete her task before being sent back to the front when she healed, but she managed to open the first Landling House in her home city of Enleph, staff and supply it, all before her medicla leave was over. The location proved so popular and was regarded so highly by the public that donors poored in. A much needed stipened as the Great War reached into it's second half.    After the war, when can Rhait returned from her military duties, she dedicated herself fully to the Landling Houses, ensuring that they were always well supplied, well staffed, and that the kids could live without fear.
It's said that every Landling House, which have now opened at least one location on every continent, has been visited by Aggie can Rhait at least once to get her approval for operation. Even as she ages, she still takes great pains to travel everywhere herself, and failures to meet expectations are met with a now rather famous fire.

Cover image: Ignacity Soda Ad (Via Artbreeder image generation) by Artbreeder image generation, user provided


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