Landling Houses

Do you wish for a little light in your life, but can't seem create the sparks that would blossom into a child?   Come to the Landling House in Orircia, here you may find just what you're looking for!
-Poster advertising a Landling House

The flames of the Great War changed a great deal in our world. It carved up countrysides, and demolished cities. Whole forests were burned to the ground as soldiers fought in boiling mud beneath orange-red boughs. No matter who you were, from the most powerful politician to the lowliest street sweeper, no family escaped unscathed.   A great deal were irrevocably broken by it. The hordes of children left without guidance or supervision started to reach epidemic proportions across the Northern Continent, and in more isolated instances across the planet. It was determined that something had to be done, but no one was sure what, nor did they really wish to divert resources away from ongoing military efforts. There was a war on, after all.   It was the actions of a mage from Wolphaujan, Aggie van Rhait, who enacted change. Van Rhait was involved in the war from the moment that she got the stamp on her enlistment papers, and her retinue and her saw many fronts in the war. They would not always find success, and in one of these instances she was severely wounded and many of her retinue was killed.   While she was recovering in a hospital, back in home Enleph, she was handed a letter that had been written by the leader of her bodyguard soon after they had originally been deployed together. Rhait has never explained the letter in detail, an as far as I could find she still retains it in her possession, but she's said that the letter revealed that that her bodyguard had to leave their only child in the care of a family they new back home, but that family could only take care of the child as long as they were recieving payments from her military salary. They had other mouths to feed, and while the bodyguard was certainy they wouldn't just throw the child out on the street, he implored her to assist them in any way she could. He was dead, after all, and only wished to make sure his child wouldn't fall through the cracks.   Rhait was touched by the letter and the fact that a companion of hers had trusted her enough to ask such a thing. She resolved herself to aid her late friend.   Using her resources she had acrued during her time in the military, she was able to leverage her medical leave to head to the family described in the letter and meet with them personally. What she found was worse than she imagined.   This one small family in a village in the countryside had taken in dozens of children themselves from all around. Rhait asked if this was all the children in the village, and they told her that it was a mix of village natives, relatives from the city, and children that had just wandered into town. They were running themselves ragged just trying to keep them all fed.   Neither a donation or an adoption or two would solve this problem. When multiplied by the length and breadth of the world, it became untenable. Then, Rhait had an idea.    It didn't take long for the first Landling House to open in Enleph, offering a place for the orphans of war and disease to sleep and eat and be safe. it was funded by Aggie van Rhait's careful investments of her military pension, and only grew from there. Those that know the touch of the Landling House often return later in life to provide support, either monetary or volunteer, furthering the many Houses abilities to help those in need.
Still alive today, Aggie van Rhait still takes an active part in the operations and functions of the Landling Houses, seemingly never taking a break. She regularly tours around the world, monitoring the functionality of all the Houses and each location can claim at least one personal visit from her over the years.

Cover image: Ignacity Soda Ad (Via Artbreeder image generation) by Artbreeder image generation, user provided


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