The Entwined Halo

The simplest symbol of God, the almighty, is that of the circle.   A circle is simply a flattened sphere, and the sphere of God encompasses all.

There are many items and images that have been used to represent God and her many concubines throughout the millennia. The Sun Church prefers the Golden Bird, a representation of the sun. The Sea Church was more abstract, representing her as storms, and the movement of water. Spears, rabbits, and horses have been used and are still in places, all intended to touch on different aspects of God and interpret her in different ways.    One has remained consistent since the first churches to God were built, however.   The Entwined Halo. When it is presented as a sole ring, it's treated as an infinite amount existing within the same space. When presented as many, they are shown as interlinked rings, tied together at their ends and representing the many aspects of God. Most churches include a chain of rings of different materials as part of their regalia due to this representation.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
This particular symbol was created when one of the ancient expeditions to find the edge of the world found the Throne of God far to the north. Alongside the many revelations that the place held, it also held several instances of what we now know as the Entwined Halo. While humanity has developed many of it's own instances, the Entwined Halo remains as the sole symbol held by God herself.

Cover image: Ignacity Soda Ad (Via Artbreeder image generation) by Artbreeder image generation, user provided


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