Admiral Midah Plurath

Admiral Midah Plurath

Midah Plurath was an admiral in the navy of Anoomenon during the early years of the age of the Succession Empires.   He was responsible for increasing the military capabilities of the navy at a time when external threats from the nascent empires first began to worry the Prime Lawmaker and the leadership of the city.   When he was in his fifties, he had a grand townhouse, known as the Iron Sentinel, built for his extensive family in the Merchants' View district of the city. The house would become a well known landmark which would survive for centuries after his death.
Date of Birth
12th of Newmothers, 1601
Date of Death
9th of Oldorbit, 1680
1601 AF 1680 AF 79 years old

Cover image: Admiral Midah Plurath by DMFW with Art Breeder
Character Portrait image: Admiral Midah Plurath by DMFW with Art Breeder


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