Loomarelle Hantha

Loomarelle Hantha was a healer in the ranks of the Arcane Advisors of the Court Circle of Katrapetch in the early years of the Time of Terrors. She was a contemporary of Clarise Vabatan and made he reputation with her groundbreaking work on the treatment of Rapid Onset Severe Silicosis in the years following the eruption of Mt. Rintalima in 3065 APC.   In 3080 APC, she was promoted to become an Arcane Wisdom, after Ruthema Sivaira retired from the role.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
1st Authon, 3026 APC
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Loomarelle Hantha by DMFW with Midjourney
Character Portrait image: Loomarelle Hantha by DMFW with Midjourney


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