Charburn Character in The Draconian Plane | World Anvil
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To command her fleet, she installed one of her suitors - the humorless and ruthless Charburn. Charburn is one of the few dragons with a high position in court who is not one of Lux’s children - he had come to the archipelago over a millenia ago in an attempt to topple Lux and install himself as king. Charburn’s dreams of rule quickly ended upon meeting Lux; he immediately recognized her superiority and offered himself as a suitor. Lux, in her pettiness and machinations, kept Charburn but never deigned to become his mate. To impress his queen, he spent centuries learning to swim and grafted silver plates along his body to increase his ability to quickly dive and glide through the water.   Since joining the court at the Golden Archipelago, Charburn never wavered in his absolute loyalty to Lux. Lux commonly refers to Charburn as "her knight," and gave him the closest island to Grand Sol so that he may intervene quickly should there be trouble on the central island.
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