

Sprites are beings made entirely of mana, taking the appearance of wisp-like flames colored based on their magical alignment, sometimes having additional visual effects as mana burns off and turns to magic around them. Should a wisp be sufficiently disrupted, or simply run out of mana, they will snuff out, dying immediately. When a sprite is overfed and hasn't adjusted to their new mass, they often take the form of an erratic ball of sparks and arcs of energy as their magic goes haywire.   Greater Sprites often take the form of small elementals with a few, simple limbs and a comet-like tail of energy, potentially with a "face" made from spots of denser mana, resulting in a brighter glow.  


Sprites do not reproduce on their own, and are only created by masses of suitable ambient mana getting too high in an area. When the conditions are met, a sprite can form in the mass, where it then begins to consume the ambient mana it was born from, growing in size and density.  

Racial Magics

Sprites are simple creatures that have two primary abilities. They can consume mana similar enough to their own alignment, allowing them to grow in both size and power. They can use the mana they've consumed to perform magic, usually limited to the basic form of the magic for their alignment, though exceptions exist. When sprites die from means other than burning out, they have a tendency to detonate, releasing all of the mana they've collected in a single, indiscriminate explosion. Unlike most races, sprites are unable to regenerate their mana reserves naturally. If the sprite consumes too much incompatible mana, they often destabilize, and detonate, though very rarely they can mutate into a new form of sprite. Mana sense is the only sense these creatures possess, even lacking a sense of pain.  

Personality Tendencies

Given that they constantly burn mana, and cannot regenerate it on their own, they are constantly, almost single-mindedly hungry, gathering around places of great magical power to feed, even more than willing to consume other sprites if the opportunity presents itself. Sprites, in most cases, lack any cognitive ability greater than that of a starving amoeba. Many incredibly powerful magical creatures often have sprites following them, feeding off their aura.   Greater sprites, a variant born from sprites that consume many others of their kind, possess intelligence comparable to that of a kitten, and are known for seeking out those they like the mana of in an attempt to become a familiar, or similar companion, in hopes that the new master can keep them safe and feed them mana in exchange for the use of the sprite's magic.

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