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The Assistant

(a.k.a. The Inventor)

"Ironically I find that keeping track of your failures provides for a wonderful distraction from said failures."
— The Assistant to the Experimenter
  The Assistant serves as a foil to the Experimenter. While the Experimenter can be somewhat eccentric and outgoing at times, the Assistant is mostly serious and solemn, though she too can have her less serious moments.   She created a cipher with more than one thousand layers of encryption in order to protect her notes and personal journals from the prying eyes of a nosy Experimenter. When her and the Experimenter were taken under arrest and the Experimenter was sentenced to Sitra Achra she attempted to use this cipher as a negotiation tool -- deciphering her notes on the dream catchers in exchange for a lesser punishment for the Experimenter. The authorities, however, were less than willing to accept such a deal, instead sending all the Assistant's journals to an expert decoder, despite her warnings that only she could decipher them. Ultimately the decoder and his team gave up and the cipher remains unbreakable.  
"Would you, perhaps, care to tell us what these machines are?"
— Interrogator
"As a matter of fact I, perhaps, do not."
— The Assistant
  She received a lesser sentence than the Experimenter. She is currently in solitary confinement under very close supervision.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Sometime before she met the Experimenter she discovered a means of interacting with the Conscious Self from within The Dreamscape.   She later invented a small device called a dream stopper that wakes its user up before they begin dreaming. Sometime later, she discovered a way to prevent dreams from affecting reality inside The Dreamscape and thus invented the dream catchers.

Personality Characteristics


She shares the Experimenter's desire to leave The Dreamscape, though she isn't as desperate.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

When she isn't being completely serious, she is quite the deadpan snark. She seems to have a snarky comment for everything, or at least everything the Experimenter does, anyway.
Current Residence
Solitary confinement in a prison in Ohalzra

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