Castión Organization in The Dreamweaver Isles | World Anvil
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Freedom For All, No Matter the Cost

  Only existing as an independent nation for around a hundred years, Castión continues to stand and flourish in defiance of their south eastern sister nation of Vahied, who once dominated much of the western side of the continent. After a long civil war the people of Castión rose to claim their freedom, and in the process, shattered what was once one of the largest empires in Ressoria. After the Starlit Maiden's ascension on Harmony's Spire a new silver star blazes in the heavens above. Giving rise to a new but rapidly spreading religion in the region that has granted hope to those who pray for a life of peace in their young nation.   Ruled by a congregation of powerful merchant houses, known as the Jeweled Assembly, Castión commands one of the continent's most well equipped naval forces and has heavily invested in its educational pursuits. Sling shotting their technological advancements, both scientific and magical, ahead of other nearby countries and it is not uncommon to find new and wondrous innovations being shown off in the streets of some of the larger cities. This is not to say that they thrive without opposition, their former masters to the south east constantly press for a return to the times of a unified super power. Constant fear of war from outside and within lies just below the surface, as many who live in this new nation can still remember the times that came before, and some even wish for a “re-unification”.

Regions of Castion

  Harmony's Spire - Harmony's Spire is the tallest mountain on the continent of Ressoria, just south of Castion in the mountain range. Upon this mountain there is a small temple town by the same name, whos inhabitants are said to be in supreme harmony with the Crescendo of Creation, and can draw great insight from it. Many warriors and people of the faith make pilgrimages to Harmony's Spire to hopefully gain answers and insights into their mirad of questions, but the journey is dangerous and many do not survive the ascent to the town, let alone the peak.

Castión in the Dreamweaver Isles

In recent years Castión has begun to expand into the Isles, successfully claiming one of the largest islands in north east of the region, and establishing the port city of Marezia. One of the largest ports of the area, Marezia has been the staging ground for which Castión has been able to expand their trade routes out past the coast of Vahied, and down around the southern end of Ressoria to reach both Urdrax-Nar's Iron Isles, and the empire of Eprana. Although these trade routes are far from the safest choices, they offer an alternative to overland routes through mountains to reach Eprana, and a complete inability to reach Urdrax-Nar through their enemy Vahied.

Geography & Climate

Castión is rather mountainous, dominated by high plateaus and a central mountain chain, while also being primarily surrounded by the ocean on its north, west, and southern sides. Typically hot and dry inland, the highest mountains in the central areas still collect snow year round. However Castión is characterized mostly by its warm and rainy weather along the coast.

Other Information

Ruling Organization

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