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Ulrich Whitelocke

Ulrich Whitelock (a.k.a. Saint of the Abyss)

Ulrich Whitelocke is an exiled priest from the Church of Light, later leader of his own Church of the Abyss cult. He's an enigmatic, mentally unstable individual that became overzealous over the beliefs of the "Abyss", which he describes as the dregs and spirits of the forgotten that have sunk to the bottom of the ocean. After he was exiled from the Church and banished from Alaran City, Ulrich found refuge in an abandoned cathedral in the frozen wastelands of Northern End. The cathedral, which was constructed decades ago, served as his home and base of operations for his cult. Ulrich would find the Amethyst Light Crystal at the heart of the cathedral, granting him untold potential.
Over time, the beliefs of the the Deep spread like a plague, reaching the farthest corners of the continent, including the inner walls of the Kingdom of Ylhelm some northern regions of Victoria. Ulrich became a symbol of a dark hope for his new followers and was revered as the "Saint of the Abyss". Kashiel Bloodworth caught wind of this, and reached out to Ulrich to meet him personally. However disgusted Kashiel was, he nonetheless conscripted Ulrich into the Crimson Zodiac. Now with unmatched power, Ulrich seeks to invade the Kingdom of Ylhelm and make it his new home.


Ulrich is a mandatory boss in the Earth Chronicles II located in the deepest chamber inside the Cathedral of the Abyss. He's a master of a unique type of Mana called "Abyssal Mana", derived from the worshiping and belief of the Abyss. Abyssal Mana is a mix of Darkness and Water Mana, so resistances to either type will help the party to mitigate as much damage as possible. In addition, Ulrich can summon up to three of his followers to join and aid him in battle; a Cleric, Devout, and Punisher. Clerics of the Abyss cast healing spells that not only heal the followers, but also can heal Ulrich. Devouts of the Deep cast Crowd-Controlling abilities that can afflict Fear. Punishers are damage-dealing tanks that lash out attacks that can inflict a Bleeding status.

List of Abilities

Phase One

The fight with Ulrich will start with 3 of his followers on the battlefield.
  • Shadow Bolt: Deals direct Darkness damage.
  • Hydro Blast: Deals direct Water damage.
  • Abyssal Encurse: Deals direct Abyssal damage, with a low chance of inflicting "Curse" debuff.
  • Preach of the Deep: Grants "Preach of the Deep" to all allies; increases DEF and MDEF by 10% for 4 turns.
  • Shadow Crash: Deals Darkness damage to all enemies.
  • Wave Crash: Deals Water damage to all enemies.
  • Drowning Clutch: Deal direct water damage with a high chance to "Stun".
  • Abyssal Scythe: Deals direct Abyssal damage, with a high chance of inflicting "Bleed".
  • Summon Their Voices: Summons a Cleric of the Deep, Devout of the Deep, and Punisher of the Deep to the battlefield.

Phase Two

Ulrich prays to the Abyss in desperation. Abyssal spirits engulf his body and transform him into the true Saint of the Abyss. Ulrich will additionally gain the following spells upon reaching Phase Two:
  • Stare Into The Abyss: Deals Abyssal damage to all enemies, has a high chance of inflicting "Curse" and "Fear".
  • Embrace of the Deep: Deals direct low Abyssal damage. If the target has 20% or less HP after, the target is executed.
  • One Of Us: Deals direct Abyssal damage. Has a low chance of afflicting "Charm".
  • Hastened Shadows: Increases Ulrich's HASTE by 30% for 4 turns.
  • Drown the Stars: Ulrich's ultimate technique. Deals great Abyssal damage to all enemies, and survivors are afflicted with "Touched by the Abyss", which reduces all stats by 30% for 6 turns.
Long and unkept gray hair
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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