
These creatures are the undisputed face of undead monsters in the Earthion. These creatures are by far the most common of the undead and roam everywhere. Even isolated islands are not safe from these mindless suits of armor. These creatures come in the form of a mindless suit of armor, could be anything from leather shreds to a highly armored cataphract.
Their origins, however, are quite simple. These creatures are the physical form of someone fallen in battle. Although the parameters are unsure, it is typically someone who has died whilst wielding a weapon. Most commonly they are bandits or the victims of bandits, which is why they are usually pieces of leather or a chainmail tunic. The way they float is often unnatural, but are easily put down with a strike of the sword.    However, there are many who are fallen soldiers in battle, many of which are heavily armored. These are much harder to kill than the regular ones, for whatever reason, but are typically easily dispatched with enough hitting.    These creatures are not to be underestimated, however. Some have magic powers, some have heavy weaponry. There are even examples of Armors using the long-lost Musket to attack enemies. These make the nights hard and dangerous to travel upon, a savage reminder of the nature of this world.   For what it's worth, they are averse to light of any kind. A campfire can ward them away, but don't expect it to ward them off as you shout and yell, taunting them. As long as one does not make too much noise or stays out of sight, they won't go into the light. Why this is is still unknown, however, it could be a natural fear of light, and thus, sunlight, or perhaps some weird death magic.
Scientific Name
Mortis Legionarum

Articles under Armor