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World History

The history of the planet of the Echoes campaign.

Era of Dragons

-2401 > 0

  • -2401 ED

    Military: War

    A long lasting war between the races of Dragons and Alghollthu, or Aboleths. The war was over the fate of the planet and decided who should control it's resources. In the end the Dragons won and forced the Aboleths to reside only in the deepest parts of the ocean. The end of this war ended the Era of Chaos (EC) and began the Era of Dragons (ED).

  • -2350 ED

    -2000 ED

    Military action

    The beginning of a series of wars and battles over resources and territory between Dragonkind. Kobolds were used as shock troopers in these fights. These wars began to establish still-existing dragon's modern territories.

  • -1410 ED

    The First Dragon Council
    Diplomatic action

    The context leading up to the First Dragon Council is a mystery. It has been determined through the use of divine magic that Dragonkind meet to decide the fate of us mortals, and that they came to the conclusion that we were "innocent". It is unknown what crime mortality was accused of, and it would seem that the Dragons refuse to speak of it. It is also known that this council was the first time which Dragonkind began to take their divine responsibilities seriously, thus after this point order began to be established.

  • -1326 ED

    -1323 ED

    The Dragon-Mortal War
    Military: War

    In our ancestors arrogance they decided to wage full-scale war against the gods. The war between Mortalkind and their Dragon lords was not a long-lasted one. Mortality seemed to have rebelled due to the discovery of arcane magic. Thinking themselves as more powerful than they truly were, ancient mortals rebelled against the pantheon and were decimated for their actions.   It has also been claimed by some sources that during the war, Mortalkind was able to convince the Kobolds to join their rebellion, likely with the promise of the power and loot for their hordes.

  • -1322 ED

    The Second Dragon Council
    Diplomatic action

    After the last embers of the Dragon-Mortal war died down, Dragonkind once again called council to decide the fate of Mortalkind. During the council it was decided that mortality would be spared, but punished. It was at this point that ancient Mortalkind was forcefully separated around the globe so that we would never again unite as one against the gods.   However, the same could not be said for the Kobolds whom the Dragon's were furious. Until this point it would seem that Kobolds directly worked under the Dragons and perhaps even above the rest of mortality. It is unknown exactly what the gods did to punish the Kobolds, but after this point they would never again rise in power. This is also likely the event which caused the ancient Kobold empires to fall.

  • -1320 ED

    -152 ED

    Cultural event

    This period marks arguably the last time "Mortalkind" could be considered a single race. During this expanse of time mortality began to take on unique traits to adapt to the lands in which they now inhabited. Due to the varied environments of which our ancestors now found themselves, ancient mortals began adapting many different types of traits. Some adapted to the traits of the local fauna, some adapted unique traits unique to themselves.   This is the same time that the first forms of mortal government appears. It would not take long for tribes to become kingdoms and for towns to become cities. Wars would break out between the different types of mortals, and among themselves occasionally. This was also a period of unprecedented technological expansion. The technology of Mortalkind went from spears and arrows to metallurgy and adept wizardry.

  • -152 ED

    -1 ED

    The Dragon Civil War
    Military: War

    During the Great Formation Period, Dragonkind began to use mortals to settle debates and minor disagreements between themselves. However, it is said that over time this turned into full-on territory disputes between Dragons and their mortal armies. Hundreds of thousands of mortal souls would be lost in the Dragon Civil War.   The series of wars would eventually end with the death of (a dragon). Dragonkind, who was stunned at the news, immediately called off all ongoing wars and held an emergency council, known as the unofficial Third Dragon Council.   The Third Dragon Council decided that they no longer had any business interfering in the affairs of mortals, due to the abuse of their powers and dictatorship over their people.  The last interaction that a united Dragonkind had with mortality was to declare them free of Dragon rule. Of course, however, most ancient mortals still chose to worship the divine creatures, and continue to do so until this day. With the Dragon's declaration of autonomy for Mortalkind, the Era of Dragon (ED) had ended and the Era of Mortals (EM) began.

  • 0 ED

    Year 0
    Cultural event

    Author's Note: Information from this long ago has only been rediscovered relatively recently. Furthermore, the mortals of this time did not have their own writing system, meaning what we do know was passed down word-of-mouth until writing eventually developed. Until written first-hand accounts appear later in this timeline, take what is written here with a gain of salt.

Era of Mortals

0 > Current

  • 1 EM

    2500 EM

    Return of the Alghollthu
    Military: War

    While the timeframe for this event isn't quite clear, we know that sometime between being released from absolute Dragon rule and between the first kingdoms appearing, the Alghollthu returned. Without any written first-hand texts we are only left with what was later written, though many accounts recall similar oral history so we can make a rough approximation of the event.   Mortality was seemingly more advanced than one may think after the end of Dragon rule. So much so that there are accounts of ships being sailed throughout the world, possibly linking the continents together much sooner than standard history gives credit for. However, during this mini-golden age of mortality, the ancient enemy of Dragonkind returned, the Alghollthu.   Possibly due to noticing Mortalkind's ships sailing above their domain, the Alghollthu attacked. It appears as though Mortalkind, now independent of Dragonkind, attempted to fight off the Alghollthu on their own, but eventually failed and had to retreat to exclusively dry land. Without the Alghollthu's intervention, the races of Mortality may have met much sooner and history itself changed. It is also during this time that the many stories and myths of the ocean come from.   Although Mortality retreated to dry-land, it was not enough. The Alghollthu posses both mind-altering and shapeshifting abilities, and with these powers were able to infiltrate our domains and take control. Fortunately, it appears Dragonkind felt sympathy, and found a way to help against the Alghollthu without directly interfering, because it is around this time that the first records of mortal divination appear.   The Dragon's seem to have created divine magic by allowing Mortalkind to harness a mere fraction of their powers for the purpose of driving the Alghollthu back to the seas. Were it not for their generosity and mercy upon the recently-rebelled mortals we would not have any divine magic today. It is also around this time that the first order of paladins makes mention, and when ancient temples began appearing.   Eventually, using divination magic and holy rituals, Mortality was able to drive the Alghollthu shapeshifters and those under their control back into the water. Interestingly, the Dragon's seemed to have been impressed with the effectiveness of Mortals weilding divine magic because not only did they not revoke these powers, but they actually seem to have granted another blessing, for it is at this time the first mentions of the elemental races appear. Indeed, it appears that the Naari, Oread, Sylph, and Undine blessings were granted originally at this time.   As for the Alghollthu, ancient Mortalkind was able to seal them and their influence to the deepest parts of the ocean. To this day, there are still areas of the sea that are highly discouraged to sail through due to their undying malice.

  • 9873 EM

    29 /6

    The Maiden Voyages
    Discovery, Exploration

    The first meeting between the continents of Nuzia and Ebe. Now known as the Maiden Voyages, during the Vanaran Renaissance several long expeditions were chartered to rediscover the ancient world. One of those discoveries happened to be the Eastern world, Nuzia. Known as the "New World" to the Vanaran's at the time, the continent was quite old in reality and was already inhabited by the likes of Humans, Elves, and Dwarves. Representatives of the separate lands were able to meet to discuss their beliefs and cultures. Eventually, this would result in the Dry Sea being used as a main water-route.

  • 9884 EM

    17 /1

    Discovery of Uzox
    Discovery, Exploration

    The discovery of the continent of Uzox by Vanaran voyagers. Unfortunately, this discovery could not be farther explored due to the disaster which was about to come.

  • 9886 EM

    10199 EM

    The Invasion of Heaven and Hell
    Military: War

    Like many of you, my confidence in the divine has been shaken due to Dragonfall. However, I pray that none of us ever live to see the horrors recorded from the Invasion of Heaven and Hell.   On a normal day just like any other, all of Hell broke loose. Crevices broke open along the land and from within them come an army of demons. Their main entry point to this realm was in the lands now claimed by The Great Saveri Forest, which were completely decimated.   Their armies were swift and ruthless. Not only were warriors slain, but as were the innocent, elderly, and children. Most horrifically, being killed seemed to be a mercy from the invaders, for those who were taken alive and somehow recovered recounted horrors the likes of which I shan't invoke here.   The march of these devils continued onwards for exactly three centuries. Countless lives were lost, countless kingdoms destroyed, and countless amounts of knowledge burned at their feet. Those who had the power to resist and fend off the invaders were few and far between. The Great Druid Saveri and her companions were perhaps the most known defenders of Erodin of the era. Using her mighty power over nature, she ran multiple successful campaigns against the armies of Hell, however, she too would have eventually fallen if not for our saviors.   Three hundred years to the day, things changed. Cracks appeared in the skies all around the world, and suddenly shattered. Chariots of golden light pulled by winged horses rode down from the Heavens as a massive army of Angels appeared to combat the armies of Hell. The Demons, who had not shown any signs of fear to that point, had a mortified expression. The remaining invasion only lasted 13 years longer, which the majority of that time being taken to route out remaining splinter cells of the damned.   Once the immediate threat of the Demons had vanished, a general of the Angelic horde met with the remaining world leaders to explain the situation. According to the Angelic general Telantiel, the inhabitants of the realms of Heaven and Hell have been fighting each other from time immemorial. The Angels have taken up a role of guardianship over the realms which Demons invade, and have bested them in each and every battle.   The Angel's remained on Erodin for only a few months after the end of the war, many of whom helped to begin the reconstruction process. Although it is thought that all Angel's and Demon's left our realm, it did not take long for the first Aasimar and Tiefling to be born among mortals.

  • 10202 EM

    29 /5

    The Great Saveri Sprouts
    Life, Birth

    After the end of The Invasion of Heaven and Hell, Nuzia was in shambles. Many of the nations had fallen to the demonic hordes and hope was essentially non-existent. Saveri, the Great Druid and hero during the war, took it upon herself to restore hope to her people.   By way of unknown druidic magic, Saveri was able to revitalize the land around where the invasion started. Trees sprouted, flowers bloomed, and vegetation prospered. However, this came at the cost of her life. Some say that Saveri turned into the very heart of the The Great Saveri Forest in the form of it's central tree.   The northern Elves, who had lost much during the war, swore to protect their new jungle home by any means necessary. They believed that it was the least they could do to honor and repay Saveri for all she had done. Today, these Elves are known as Wood Elves, and they still inhabit and protect that very forest.

  • 10202 EM

    30 /5

    First World Overflows
    Population Migration / Travel

    Immediately after the creation of The Great Saveri Forest, something strange happened. Once again a portal appeared to another realm, but this time it was different. Rather than invading our realm, the beings that emerged were simply curious of us. The strange 3-foot-tall creatures would become known as Gnomes.   Gnomes come from a realm known as The First World, a world of abundant nature and bizarre coloration. The Gnome's addition to the races of Erodin goes largely overlooked to this day. This is likely due to the timing of their arrival being during the reconstruction period after the demonic invasion. Shockingly, Gnomes attempted to ass

  • 10203 EM

    10334 EM

    The Elvish Civil War
    Military: War

    Many argue that the Elvish "Civil War" was not a war at all, but rather a series of disputes and infighting following the creation of The Great Saveri Forest. Elvenkind essentially split into two factions. Those loyal to the jungle and who swore to protect it would become known as the Wood Elves. Those who could not bare the weight of the memories which had taken place before the forest's creation would move south to the Nuzian Plains and henceforth be known as the High Elves. The two factions would often bicker over land disputes involving Crimson Mountain and the surrounding lands, however, no major conflict occurred save for a few skirmishes. However, both factions of Elves insist that this time period be treated with the upmost respect and consideration.

  • 10334 EM

    10980 EM

    10 /5

    The War of Crimson Mountain
    Military: War

    Perhaps the longest lasting war between mortals, the War of Crimson Mountain was an all-out war between the races of Dwarves and Elves.   The war started as a simple land dispute between the races. Dwarves, who usually occupy mountain ranges, and Elves, who enjoy settling in forests and plains, had seemingly natural borders until The Great Saveri Forest bloomed.   The Dwarves claim they had always lived in the mountain and the Elves founding of southern territories after the forest's creation means nothing. The Elves argue that it is their right to own the mountain due to it being within the area of the Saveri Forest, and thus it is their duty to protect it.   The war raged until a cease fire was enacted by the united Elvish nations and the united Dwarvish strongholds. The reason for the cease fire was not out of an understanding, but because both sides of the conflict nearly ran out of able-bodied fighters. To this day, the war has not officially ended and is still only considered a cease-fire.

  • 11487 EM

    11493 EM

    The Vanaran Split
    Military: War

    After the Vanaran's established a colony on (Scale Continent), those in the new colony became intermingled with the local culture. Soon enough, they no longer had an interest in their previous homeland and demanded independence. What followed was a brutal war between the Vanaran mainland of (Vanaran Nation) and (Vanaran Colony). In the end, the colony gained their independence.

  • 11864 EM

    Establishment of the Dry Sea Exchange
    Diplomatic action

    The Dry Sea Exchange is the name for the vast exchange of goods across The Dry Sea. In 11864 the nations of (Elf Jungle), (Ocean Elf Southern), (Vishkanyan), and (Catfolk) signed a treaty allowing for free trade among the nations to flourish over The Dry Sea .    For many generations before the treaty was officially established the Vishkanyan people sailed the waves as a part of their culture, many of whom would trade goods between (Catfolk Nation) and (Elf nations). The signing of the treaty grants these traders safe passage in friendly waters and universalizes a common currency between the nations of the West and East.

  • 12534 EM

    Anadi Discovered
    Discovery, Exploration

    The island of Anada was discovered by Human pioneers on an expedition to map the southern sea region. Upon docking, the sailors were shocked to find a race of giant intelligent spiders. The pioneers quickly escaped the island, but would return after a short while with reinforcements. Despite appearing threatening, the spiders seemingly did not wish to attack the explorers. Basic communication was established and the race announced themselves as the Anadi.   The Anadi could see that their appearance was frightening the explorers. After a brief discussion of the outside world, the Anadi wanted nothing more than to explore the lands beyond their own and to interact and trade with the worlds population. However, upon leaving their island in their silk-sailed vessels, the Anadi would quickly realize that they were not welcome in the world at large in the current forms.   Seeking to still interact, the Anadi would learn of the Kitsune and their innate shapeshifting abilities. Trading many goods and various riches, the Anadi hired several Kitsune mages to teach them of their transformative abilities. Over time, the Anadi would learn how to shapeshift as the Kitsune do. Today, it is said that each and every Anadi can take the form of a humanoid.

  • 12771 EM

    12802 EM

    The Drudge Voyages
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Drudge Voyages were the initial and the height of the voyages which brought Lizardfolk from their homeland to the rest of the world as indentured servants. The Drudge Voyages started in 12771 when Vanaran merchants introduced Lizardfolk to the outside world as slaves. The popularity of Lizardfolk servants was very appealing at the time due to their naturally strong physiques and the rush to produce goods for the ongoing trading boom at the time. Being coldblooded, Lizardfolk did not generally make their way to colder environments.

  • 13257 EM

    13581 EM

    The March of the Soulless
    Plague / Epidemic

    The March of the Soulless, also called the Undead Nightmare in some regions, was the result of the Dread Lich's rise to power in the early Thirteen-Thousands. This event, if unchecked, had the potential to cause the extinction of life as we know it, and would have given rise to the Era of Undead (EU).   The Dread Lich rose to power over the course of decades. They slowly built their power and armies until they eventually completed a dark necromantic ritual that replaced their mortality with power over death. Much is unknown about the Dread Lich. We do not know their true name, place of origin, or even their race. One thing is certain though, they wanted the extinction of all life and to rule what rose from its grave.   Though the first reports of a powerful necromancer came from 13257 near (Location). The Dread Lich slowly bided their time and did not draw much attention until 13281 when they marched their armies into the Kingdom of (Kingdom), and wiped out the royal family. Declaring themselves the new ruler of (Kingdom), the Dread Lich was able to use powerful magic to conceal their identity and manipulate other monarchs into alliances by making them think they had gained power legitimately. The Dread Lich was then able to systematically gain power by invading other nations and using their murdered population for the undead army.   It was not until a brave group of heroes discovered that the tyrant was a Lich that anything would be done about the monster. This group came to be known as (Group), and includes the likes of (Hero names including the Prime Synodic). (Group) was able to unite the surrounding lands into an alliance against Lich-controlled (Kingdom) by performing various feats of heroics and bravery. Finally, in the year 13581, 324 years after the initial report of a powerful necromancer, the Dread Lich was defeated.

  • 13587 EM

    Prime Synodic (Great Wizard) Founds (Magic School/Guild)

    After the Undead Nightmare, it has been reported that (Great Wizard) found it troubling that there were not many mages on par with his own abilities. Should another disaster like that occur, he wanted the world to be ready. To solve this issue, he found no better way than to teach those who wanted to learn what he knew of magic.   (Great Wizard) founded the first (Magic School) branch in 13,587 in (One of the southern Elf nations), his home. He declared himself the "Prime Synodic" and stated that anyone who could reach similar magical ability to himself as the next number of Synodic. (For example, the next synodic was titled "Second Synodic" then "Third Synodic", ect.) As of the writing of this article, there are currently 7 living Synodics, with the most recently being named the Thirteenth Synodic.   The founding of (Magic School) was controversial at first due to the cost of construction and labor and being located in a poorer nation However, many children grew up inspired by the Prime Synodic and his heroics and wanted nothing more than to be like him. Over time (Elf Nation) became known for their magical adeptness and still produce many of the worlds greatest mages to this day.   There are currently 4 branches of (Magic Schools) globally, with talks of a 5th being announced soon. The original, of course, being the most prestigious and being named Prime (Magic School).

  • 13713 EM

    Last known appearance of Prime Synodic (Great Wizard)
    Life, Death

    The great wizard Prime Synodic (Great Wizard) was officially last seen on this date. His last know public action was to "break the boundaries of the known" by teleporting himself to Lune.   Many people have reported sighting of the Prime Synodic, however, most if not all of them are believed to have been falsified.

  • 14058 EM

    Slavery Officially Outlawed in the Civilized World
    Civil action

    As the world's population grew and advanced in both technology and magic, the need for indentured servants diminished. Due to the efforts of civil rights activists and the fact that a Lizardfolk was among the heroes who defeated the Dread Lich, the world's opinions of slavery became negative. After a tedious series of pollical meetings, most civilized nations formally agreed to outlaw slavery on Quetzal 26th, 14058, a day that would become known as Abolition Day.

  • 14326 EM

    3 /6

    The Dragonslayer is Born
    Life, Birth

    Dragonslayer Gaius Traxian is born.

  • 14346 EM

    7 /7 06:00

    (Human Empire) Formed

    (Human Empire) was formed after (Emperor) united the kingdoms of humanity under a common banner and declared himself the ruler. At his coronation, (Dead Dragon) personally appeared and challenged (Emperor), warning that having too much power corrupts. Until this point, (Emperor) was seen as a man of the people and was universally loved by humanity, however, his next action would shake the foundations of the infant Empire, and even the world at large.   (Emperor) accepted (Dead Dragon)'s challenge, and to everyone's surprise, won. It was then that humanity, and the world, learned that Dragons not only could bleed, but they could be killed.

  • 14346 EM

    7 /7 07:00

    Life, Death

    (Dead Dragon) was slain at the hands of (Emperor), the Dragonslayer.   It was a feat thought to not only be impossible but also foolish to attempt, but to the world's surprise it had been done. Emperor (Emperor) had bested (Dead Dragon) in a fair challenge and emerged victorious.   There are consequences to killing a god. The news of the event caused universal controversy. No longer could the newly formed empire remain a neutral force in the world. Immediately, districts fell into rebellion and foreign nations denounced the newly crowned Emperor's actions. However, his most loyal people stood by him. In their eyes not only did he emerge victorious from an impossible challenge, cemented his rightful place as their leader. To his loyal subjects, this was a sign from an even higher power than the gods themselves that this man had the absolute right to rule.

  • 14406 EM

    Era beginning/end