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Ikep (a.k.a. & Kahu)

No one seems to know who this man is. He doesn't seem interested in chatting...

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Large and bulky. He stands incredibly tall and has a very strong build.

Body Features

Unknown, his armour covers his entire body.

Facial Features


Identifying Characteristics

The terrifying, 8-foot beetle man walking alongside an enormous black scorpion.

Physical quirks

Movements appear to be very precise and calculated.
Seems to have a complex about people touching him.

Special abilities

Some form of magic. Otherwise, unknown.

Apparel & Accessories

Suit of dark maroon, chitinous heavy armour with three large horns protruding from the helmet.

Specialized Equipment

Plates of his armour seems to break off, folding into forms of different animals after he inscribes arcane sigils in the air. Wields a large maul made from the same chitinous material as his armour, as well as several other weapons made from that material, affixed to his armour, that you would not notice at first as they almost seem to be part of the armour.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Gender Identity





When asked by Hattori how he learned to do what he does, Ikep said he learned it from books.



Accomplishments & Achievements


Failures & Embarrassments


Mental Trauma


Intellectual Characteristics


Morality & Philosophy

Mostly unknown. Got very angry that the factories were clear cutting the Western Deepwoods.

Personality Characteristics



Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Seems very skilled with manipulating mechanical objects.
  • Uses a unique, complex form of arcane magic.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Unknown   Dislikes: Seems to dislike being touched.

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws


Personality Quirks



Doesn't smell good or bad. Armour is perfectly clean, with a iridescent sheen of deep maroon to black.


Contacts & Relations

  • Claimed to know of two people that could help with the party's current predicament, but doesn't know where they are.
  • Claimed to know of some folks located deep in the Western Deepwoods that could aid the party.

Family Ties


Religious Views


Social Aptitude

Very direct and to-the-point when speaking. Has sometimes been seen to be quite aggressive when speaking to people.
Seems averse to casual conversation.



Hobbies & Pets

Accompanied by a massive, black scorpion at all times.
An interesting, exotic plant was seen within the strange puzzle box that Ikep presented at the inventor's fair.
Otherwise, unknown.


Deep, steady voice.

Wealth & Financial state


Incredibly bulky and standing around 7'10" in a heavy, dark maroon, chitinous suit of armour with three long horns protruding from the head and travelling alongside a giant scorpion, he is a truly terrifying sight to most.

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Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
7'10" (horns reach above 8 feet)
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Druidic
  • ??? (spoken when Ikep inscribes the arcane sigils in the air when casting spells)
  • ??? (spoken when Ikep gives commands to Kahu)

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The Inventor's Fair
14th of Liar's Moon, 367 E.Y.

Things at the inventor's fair went completely sideways. Hattori had taken hostage a young man who I had spoken to earlier in the evening. I really didn't want it to end in force but in all fairness to Hattori, nothing was seemingly working and we were running out of options. In the end, I am glad the Bureau won't have their hands on the device, because I genuinely do not trust those shady, shameless businessmen.   Raal seemed to be unbothered by our suggestion of destroying the device, so we proceeded with that course of action. I still don't fully trust his motives or those of his compatriots, but so far they seem to be acting in favour of nature and against these ecosystem-destroying scum.   I feel like this device could do immense good, but I don't think any group of individuals could be trusted enough to use it for purely positive means. It is unfortunate to see something like this get destroyed, but I ultimately think it was the best option.   Additionally, on the way to an inventor's fair, we stopped a terrorist after he blew up a shop in the Mere District. I believe he was a part of the Arcan Purists, a group of eco-terrorists. From what I have heard, and now witnessed, their methods are appalling and needlessly violent against innocent people. The guards took him and we continued off after Hattori convinced him his wife was in labour... These new companions of mine continue to intrigue me.

Into the Great Glade
13th of Liar's Moon, 367 E.Y.

The three of us entered the city, getting past the gate guards. Apparently word has spread quickly and there are wanted posters hung all over the city. They are offering an exorbitant sum of gold for our capture and for some reason the bounty on my head is larger than the other two. We were starting to navigate into the city when we came across a very suspicious character. He was offering help but didn't offer much information up front. We followed him, and while he did help us stay away from the guards or others looking to claim the bounty, I still can't say I trust his motives.   He is offering for us to complete a task for him in exchange for assisting us with our current dilemma. He also knows some things about the Sky Pirates and may be able to help us figure out why the Sky Pirate had interest in us.   I just hope we can figure out what is going on and clear our names.   Side Note: I need to determine a way for Kahu to pass through teleportation effects without complication. I'm not sure how he would have interacted with the teleportation effect today, but the situation didn't provide a safe opportunity to test it.

13th of Liar's Moon, 367 E.Y.

I began towards the Great Glade with these strangers in an attempt to find answers to what happened and/or clear our names. On the way, we came across a huge expanse of clear-cut forest on the edge of the Western Deepwoods. They must have greatly increased the rate of cutting since I was last in the area. I saw a machine heading toward the Deepwoods, away from the city, off in the distance. I confronted the vehicle, and would have dismantled it if it hadn't stopped. The man operating the machine was simply a worker doing his job in order to feed his family. I was, however, very angry and yelled at him a great deal. I let him be, but as I approached and was about to dismantle the saw blades from the front of the machine, Hattori got in my way. He convinced me to leave it be, as we are already in trouble for whatever we have been framed for, and it would only make things worse. That made sense. I am thankful for his actions; what he said helped me rethink the best course of action. While I am disappointed that that machine went on to cut more trees, I believe it to have been the smartest choice. Makatza cared little for the damage done to the Deepwoods' ecosystem. We continued toward the Great Glade.

I've made an enemy...
12th of Liar's Moon, 367 E.Y.

My trip to the Eastern Deepwoods was cut short by sky pirates who attacked the Great Sky Whale. I'm not sure what they were after, but they attacked the crystals. I helped and fought off a group of them with two strangers, a paladin and a druid. Apparently one of the pirates had a letter with perfect description of the three of us, telling them not to hurt us. The captain accused us of working with them and forced us to jump from the ship. We safely landed in the Western Deepwoods, but I have now been travelling with these strangers. I hope to find out why I am being targeted and by whom.


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