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Session 4: Magicks Abound

The adventurers slink away from Great Glade, having invested themselves in the Spiderweb as a hope of clearing their name and ending the mistaken manhunt that seems so eager to claim them. They retreat into the Western Deepwoods, where Ikep leads them in hopes of contacting individuals from his past that may offer them some aid.   All is not lost, however, as Raal Vendrix soon reaches after them, earnestly apologizing for his earlier outbursts of anger. Indeed, it seems like Raal is an entirely new person compared to his earlier actions. Regardless, he begs forgiveness of the trio and asks for their help in exterminating a new threat that has risen up from the destruction of the Godmother's Factory, clearing up an earlier miscommunication. Hesitantly, enticed by promises of sushi, the trio agrees to return to the city.   Immediately upon their return, the adventurers find the way barred by a noxious cloud of vapour; a living Cloudkill spell. They swiftly bypass the city's defenses and dispose of the cloud, which leaves behind a curious marble thrumming with magical energy. In the aftermath, however, they were only able to save a single guardsman: a young man who immediately ran to his superiors, and who may or may not have recognized the trio as wanted terrorists.   It is then that the adventurers begin to realize the true threat: Great Glade is under siege from a collection of living spells, a combination of arcanum that should not exist. Discarding their weariness, they set out to do what they do best: protecting people as best they can. Over the course of a few hours, they eradicate a living Darkness and several living Lightning Bolts, though much devastation had been wrought before their arrival. The city remains under attack, but the adventurers return to the Harrowman's hut out of a necessity to sleep and recover. It is there that Raal greets them with further uncharacteristic humility. Makatza and Hattori immediately collapse into slumber in the main area of the tavern, whilst Ikep quietly makes his way upstairs.   In the morning, Raal greets them once more, offering a piece of information that he had held over their heads for a while: the ill-fated notes that appear to set entire cities against them are written on Lumiona paper, of a type that is exclusively produced in Sanctaphrax. Raal theorizes that the notes have an origin there, but begs the trio to stay for one last job. He suspects the Arcan Purists released the living magicks deliberately, and did so in preparation for a major move of some sort. He asks the adventurers to aid him in an operation to take them down before they can do more harm to the people of the city.    Meanwhile, Ikep has dedicated himself to the study of the marbles left behind by the living magicks, one of which was never recovered. What secrets will reveal themselves with further examination? What is the Arcan Purists' next move, and how does Raal hope to stop them? Most importantly, when will Hattori get his sushi and pizza?

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