Bellhaven Group

Gnome Community group of bards, historians, alchemists, and librarians, as well as spies. This alliance is structured like a guild, but for Gnomes only. Their mission is to make sure the gnomes in the community are not being treated any differently than the other races in the community. Bellhaven Group: there are 12 council members of gnomes in this group. They have power within the community. They also have money to back up their power. any gnome can be a member of the community, council members are voted in every 5 years or death. Members wear their pins proudly and openly, some of the gnomes like to remind others that they are members.   1. Lord Snigbart -Male- Lawful, Gnome. Heads the GC (Gnome Council) a. was the first gnome in the area. He was from a noble Gnome family in the capital. He has a wife and 2 children. 2. Slelkut – Male – NEUTRAL, Bard – plays in open air venues, walks the streets to meet people. Very suggestive songs about love…he likes women, Human women. He knows who is coming and going through out the city. He has only recently been asked to serve on the council. 3. Zugbip – Male -Lawful, Librarian – Runs a large library with books from all over the Realm. Once ran the library for the King of the Gnomes, King Mumjig of the Seven Circles. Very important. Zugbip is a older gnome with a bald head and pink colored glasses, “Rose”. He dresses in the finest of silks and looks somewhat like a lord of some large district. 4. Jembim – Male -Neutral, Alchemist – Shop and merchant owner. This disheveled, hair sticking straight out. He is almost always in his work clothes. He has no beard, which he will tell you is due to an accident that he had when he was just a lad. 5. Slibbrock – Male -Neutral, Herbalist, wears all natural fiber clothes, very peasant like, sandals. Long wave hair that he lets hang down. His long blonde beard to match, he smokes a pipe always. He talks very slow and about nature a lot of the times. He says things like “out of this world!” and “that is frosty man”. He seems not work but always has herbs to sale. 6. Milvart -Male –chaos -ferryman –(Banished) – This old gnome does not speak much and has a burn mark on his arms. He works hard and has little contact with others. He is active in the group meetings and always voices his modest opinion on all subjects. 7. Gilnoth -female-Lawful - Soldier in the city watch. She is a captain. She is very straight lace and by the book. Serious about her job, she has some problems with the human recruits, who automatically think she is weak because of her size. She proves them wrong every time. 8. Nopro -female-Lawful – High Priestess – Templar of MADEERA THE COVENANT – this is one of the largest churches in the city. She has seven Acolytes under her command. 9. Hele – Female Gnome Artist, Neutral. Not married. 10. Tiblar- Female- Neutral – Ranger – works for the lumber company. 11. Laarwall -Female -Lawful – Bookkeeper (Wanted in the capital) she knows the secret about count Saerus and his evil plans. She has been approached by Slelkut the bard about some unsavory characters looking for Laarwall. She works at the mine office and keeps a very low profile. 12. OPEN right now.
Alliance, Cultural


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