North Star -day 1

Early in the morning: Wind has stopped, dead stop and the large vessel is not moving. The captain suggest that they fish. The sailors bring one of the small lifeboats and begin to rig it for fishing. The small boats can hold 6 people easily. Setting next to each other pulling an oar these small boats can move fairly quickly. The boat should have at least one sailor NPC. This will allow the player character to fish and then row back to the ship before it gets out of sight.  


  Clear skies, calm seas and no wind, temperature is about 40 degrees. The sound pats from the small wave hitting the side of the boat echo in the ship.   The captain explains that this is normal for this time of year. This is why the Nordman use oars to push and pull their boats around. He explains that their boats are not like the North Star . They are long boats that travel well in shallow water such as rivers and coast line.  


  • Boating: you will only require rolling for moving the boat when there is rough water or urgently. The character should do a strength check, raising the sails. They should climb and secure the sail. Strength and Dexterity check. take a turn in the crow nest, Str(climb), Dex (stay in) and wis (spot)check.
Spot Check roll a 1d6 on a 1 roll on the Mild ocean encounter.  
  • Fishing: At the end of each hour spent fishing, a character can make a DC 15 Wisdom check. If they roll a 20, they are given an advantage in fishing for the next hour. 1 exp per 8 hours of fishing.
  • Swimming: This water is extremely cold, but if the character wants to swim, let them. just above freezing. Due to temperature CON check DC 15, fail add +2 MOD to swim test immediately and after 1 turn regular swim STR check DC 9+ MOD.
  • Harpooning: The North Sea has whales and other large creatures swimming about. If they want to try their hand at this, it is a DC=10 STR check. Then they have to ride out the whale or other large creatures trying to escape. This is a DEX check DC=12 or fall overboard. The creature may attack the boat and flip the players into the water. Remember if they harpoon a large creature and are dragged miles away, they have to then pull the creature back to the boat.
This is the old and new world of Elnar.  Shadow and darkness engulf this place.


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