Butterfly Mushroom

The Mushroom

This mushroom grows in the upper canopy of a forest. To reproduce it must release its spores at ground level, these spores look like Butterflys but are not. The Mushroom is about 3 feet long and has several gas bubbles that allows it to descend to the ground without damaging itself. Once on the ground it reattaches itself to a large tree room and begins to release spores immediately. The mushroom themselves are completely harmless and if found in treetops they can be gathered for Alchemical purposes. Mushroom is mildly poison, causing hallucinations. (Int save DC=9) Fail= loss of 1 INT point for 24 hours.) The player will perform random actions each turn. See table below for actions. Also effected are your Dexterity and Charisma
  1. mushrooms are often prepared by drying and are eaten by being mixed into food or drinks. Although, some people eat freshly picked mushrooms.
  2. Physical effects may occur, including nausea, vomiting, euphoria, muscle weakness or relaxation, drowsiness, and lack of coordination.
  3. Benefits include 1-point WIS increase, (all sensory based checks increase: smell, sight, feel, hearing) Reaction Charisma based checks are at +4 favorable. Dexterity -2 for the duration. This will last for d6+2 hours.

the Butterfly Spores

The Butterfly spores are extremely dangerous, due to their short lifespan. They only live for about 3 days once release. if they come into contact with skin of any living, being they attach, and release millions of spores onto the victim, they disappear immediately in a puff of spores. these can be breathed and cause infection. The contact to the skin causes infection, clothing is not affected by these spores. Only a small number of spores will be left on the victim clothing. It is not infectious at all, if fact this is how they gather the spores for alchemical purposes.
  1. Infected characters need a remove disease as soon as possible. Or to wash immediately and completely.
  • down naked
  • Fail= immediately a rash appears, within 8 hours small black spots with appear. Within 24 hours mushrooms start to grow out of the black spots. These mushrooms are attached to the player any damage done to the mushrooms effects the player. Once the mushrooms appear the player character will take 1 point of damage per hour, this damage can be healed but will continue until the mushrooms are removed.


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