Cat's Grace Scroll

Cat's Grace

  Cat's Grace (S M V) Spell Level 2   Range Touch Duration 1 hr./level AOE Creature touched.  


Somatic, Material, Verbal, Materials - a few whiskers from an elven cat.
  • Just as a strength spell can increase a subject's physical power for a time, cat's grace can enhance a subject's Dexterity. All abilities and skills that are Dexterity-based may be affected by an enhanced Dexterity score, including a subject's reaction adjustment, missile attack attack adjustment, defensive adjustment, Dexterity-based proficiency scores, and adjustments to their abilities. The exact amount of Dexterity gained depends on the subject's class; multi-classed character's use the favorable die.

Class Dexterity Gain

  1. Rouges d8 points
  2. Wizards d6 points
  3. Warriors d6 points
  4. Priests d4 points
  • The spell cannot confer a dexterity score of 20 or more and is not cumulative with other dexterity enhancing magical or psionic powers. Subjects without dexterity scores gain a bonus of 1 to AC and a +1 to attack rolls with missiles for the duration of the spell. 
  • The material component for this spell is a few whiskers from an elven cat.
Item type
Base Price


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