Eary Day one

It is early in the morning; the sun is not up yet. You yawn and stretch as your feet hit the floor of the room in the hostel that you stayed in last night. It was cheap but you used a writ that was issued by the king. This travel pass was issued to encourage migration and expansion of the kingdom from the capital city of the Kingdom of Minas Galebre to outer reaches of the region. The war with the south ended a year ago and a lot of the soldiers were released from their contracts. this caused a huge influx in the workforce and a huge problem. No jobs or work is available in the capital city, not for the and inexperienced workers wandering about the city. This problem has plagued the capital city for 6 months now. It caused a housing shortage and crime rates skyrocket. Martial law was put in place inside the city walls, the King and his councilors came up with a plan to handle the problem. He will give travel vouchers to anyone leaving the city and placed them into an area that needs workers of all kinds. By taking the vouchers you are under contract with the king to work in the out-laying region. You are not allowed to return to the city for 1 year, or unless your job directs you here. This will mean that you have had your voucher stamped and cleared of the block to the capital. The stairs creak as you step down into the main dinner room of this establishment. The room is buzzing with other travelers all preparing for their journey. You sit at a large table with bread and cheese piled onto plates before you, apples and pears. Sweet cider or milk to drink, water in a pitcher. Small sausage links are piled onto plates and a steaming pot of boiling oats is severed into large wooden bowls. Bread and wine sop are available. The king has provided a luxurious breakfast for all. A king's herald calls out names and groups of people stand and move to the door. The herald announces that the next group will be in a half hour. You have your life packed into a backpack; you are excited for the adventure a head. you look at the people at your table and notice they are from every walk of life.


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