Erna Mistbones

Erna Mistbones

Female Halfling


Erna Mistbones is 20 years old, which is young for a halfling. She is 2'8" tall with a thin and petite build. She has alert, yellow eyes. She speaks in a low, angry voice.  


No one could doubt by looking at my regal bearing that I am a cut above the unwashed masses. I have a soft spot for outcasts and beggars. I swore an oath that I would never kill and try my best to incapacitate or capture my foes.  


She is currently a chef in training. She was raised to be a priest and sent to this town 2 years ago to setup a church.  She was swindled out of the starting money the church had sent with her.  She looks for a one-armed man (human), who dresses like a priest, Father Ringo.  He disappeared shortly after taking her money.


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