
Fish are an important aspect of the common diet in most villages and cities. Most fishers rely on large nets and tidewater traps to catch the fish, though a growing trend among the leisure class is to take poles and lures to try their hand at the profession.   Net fishing These nets can be placed and drawn in. (Roll on fishing chart below -2)  

Fishing Tackle Kit

  Fishing tackle Kit includes a medium-firm rod, silken line, corkwood bobbers, steel hooks, lead sinkers, velvet mundane lures, and narrow netting. Fishing tackle weighs and costs 1gp. takes up 1 slot.  


  • d10 Catch
  • 1–2 Tiny, inedible fish (a creature that consumes it is poisoned for 1 hour)
  • 3–5 Tiny, edible fish (feeds one person)
  • 6–8 Small, edible fish (feeds up to four people)
  • eels
  • 10 Hostile gray Shark (feeds up to twenty people), some other creature of the DM’s choosing, or a tiny object of the DM’s choosing (treasure) skin can be used for armor or weapons handles.
Fishing is many skills wrapped into one activity, you can use Intelligence, Dexterity, Wisdom, Strength, constitution and even charisma.  From a small child to an old man, anyone can fish.     1. Fishing Check - The player rolls an initial (player choice) check to see how well they cast their line.  DC = result on below table:
  • - 1 - pole broke!
  • - 2-4 lost bait.
  • - 5-9 - Nothing, but you got your bait.
  • - 10-15 - Common
  • - 16-20 - Rare.
  • - 21+ (Nat 20) - Legendary. This could be a special fish that has bonuses in eating, or monetary value on selling, or straight up loot.
      2. The results - The players would roll a d10 to see what they've reeled in.  
  • - Some of the results will have additional challenges such as Strength Checks for bigger fish or a d100 table (that the dm rolls on) for the specifics.


  • 1 - Garbage- Roll a d100 for the specifics
    • - 1-20 - A clump of Seaweed
    • - 21-40 - A plank of Driftwood
    • - 41-60 - A empty crab cage
    • - 61-80 - barnacle riddled Leather Boot
    • - 81-100 - A heavy water filled bucket with a few shrimp
  • 2 - Leaf Fish - Looks like a flat leaf blade with brown and red scales.
    • - Roll a d100 for the specifics.
    • - 1-50 - Small: has no meaning but can be added to stew. Not much flavor other than slight fishy savory ness.
    • - 51 - 100 - Medium: Has a bit of meat but can be added to the stew. Has a bit of flavor.
  • 3-4 - Roosterfish (Strength DC14): A large fish that has a large fin that mimics a rooster's plumage in color and grandiose. The meat is tough and does not particularly taste good, but it adds some umami to the stew. But it makes great bait for large fish, and has alchemical properties.
  • 5-6 - Cod - A white fish with a flakey texture and mild flavor.  Roll for size.
    • - Roll a d100 for the specifics.
    • - 1-45 - Small: Enough for 1 person. 1lbs
    • - 46 -80 -Large (Strength DC 10): Enough for 2 people. 1d4lbs
    • - 81-100 - Greater Cod (Strength DC14): A large piece of cod. Its texture is flakey and is even milder then most. However very filling and a great base. 
  • 7 - Tuna
    • - Roll a d100 for the specifics.
    • - 1-50 - Small - skipjacks, 3 feet long and 70 pounds. Worth 1gp per pound roll 1d100 for weight.
    • - 51-90 - Large (Strength DC 12) - 4-5 feet in length and weighing 125 pounds. Worth 125gp.
    • - 91-100 - Grand Tuna (Strength DC 15): A more flavorful variant that is rare. Worth 1000gp!  7 feet long and weigh more than 400 pounds.
  • 8-9 - A cage of 1d4 crabs. This is an old trap but in good condition.
  • 10 - A bucket of 1d20 Oysters. 
  • Rare

  • 1-2 - A Manticore Lobster Cage with 1d4 lobsters. These lobsters have grand claws and stinger like tails. With Painted shells of Red, Black, Gold and White. They are valued at 100gp per
  • 3-4 - Black Cod - A slightly larger variant of Cod, with black oil scales. When cooked it has a buttery flavor and velvety texture.
    • - Roll a d100 for the specifics.
    • - 1-50 - Small: Has a fair bit of meat. 1d4 lbs. of meat
    • - 51-80 - Medium: A substantial amount of meat. 1d6 length x 1d12 lbs. of meat
    • - 81-100 - Large (Strength Check DC 12): enough to fill everyone up. 1d12 length, x 1d20lbs
  • 5-6 - Eel (Strength Check DC13) A faint sweet and buttery taste with a firm texture.
  • 7-8 - Drake fish - A long fish that's fins are like that of a winged kite and whiskers that trail behind it. Although not used for eating but impart a boost in flavor that enhances vegetables.
    • - Roll a d100 for the specifics.
    • - 1-30 - Small 1d6 length x 1d6lbs
    • - 31-70 - Medium (Strength DC15) 1d8 length x 1d6lbs
    • - 71-100 - Large (Strength DC18) 1d10 lenght x 1d6lbs.
  • 9-10 - Ruby Snapper
    • - Roll a d100 for the specifics
    • - 1-50 - Medium 1d6 lenght x 1d10lbs
    • - 51-100 Large (Strength DC 15)  1d6 x 1d20lbs.  Value= 1gp per lbs.


  • 1-2 - 2 fish at once from the uncommon and rare tables. you catch both at the same time!
  • 3-4 - (Strength Check DC18) - A old forgotten metal box covered in barnacles. It is very heavy. It's got a logo on the side that's been scratched by the sea floor and obscured but can be determined (Int Check DC15) what the logo was. It is an ancient item and may be up to a 1000 years old.  
  • The box is magically locked...  
  • 5-6 - A old and rusted weapon +1. Sword of Sharpness: Amongst the rust there is glimmer of iridescent metal An INT history check DC13 Will determine this is from a certain era. Xia dynasty
  • 7-10 - A giant Ruby Snapper that's eaten a spell casting wand or ring. (Wand of Entangle; Ring of Evasion
  • To pull the fish closer the PC will have to roll a Strength Check DC 15.
  • The players will roll a Dex Save DC12 to try and dodge the spells attack when the fish appears. - On a fail the fish does the spell or an facsimile of it.
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