
Goldbraid Clan is a very old clan, as old as dwarves can remember. Everyone agrees that the Goldbraids have been around for a very long time. Some say all dwarves originated with the Goldbraid clan, but the Goldbraids deny this, since no Goldbraid would ever turn his back on the clan to forge his own way.  The Goldbraid are deeply hierarchical and had a complicated system of titles and social strata; individuals and families looking to change their station must very carefully do so by amassing wealth, marrying wisely, and avoiding stigmatizing scandals.  Long ago the clan resided in the massive mountains of the south, at a mystical place called Kingsreach and all of its satellite fortresses. There was a great apocalyptic change that caused the Goldbraids Clan to move north.  Even with the long-bearded dwarf scribes have little knowledge on what happened, it is one of the great unknown secrets.   

Common traits: Blonde, haughty, obsessed with social machinations.


The Goldbraid Clan



Public Agenda

The manage the wood cutters guild.


10 large estates 3 mills 5 warehouses


Once upon a time despite the apparent inequality of social station, the stoic Goldbraid detest life outside of their mountain kingdoms and remain entrenched in the hierarchy of the old dwarf clans. Now they spend all their time outside, away from the underworld of their past. They have houses outside of the mountain. The Clan still plays an important part in the running of the mine, the have 4 seats on the board of directors.

Demography and Population

99 Clan members


The Clan is the owner of vast tracks of timber.  They have purchased and very seldom sell any of these trees.


They have a group of Rangers called the Goldleafs, that protect the clans' assets. the answer to the leader of the Clan and the elders.


Beside the Laws of the Realm, the Clan has their own laws.

Agriculture & Industry

Prosess of wood to lumber and the distribution of that lumber, which is stored in great stone warehouses.  They call them vaults, because they are protected like it was treasure.

Trade & Transport

The Clan own some small water craft to help move the large lumber deposits down river.   They own a shipping company. Goldbeard Shipping.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Clan
Family Leader
Wabrook Silver
Major Exports
Raw Wood and lumber.
Legislative Body
Judicial Body
The Elders this is a body of the 5 oldest dwarfs in the clan.
Executive Body
The Elders this is a body of the 5 oldest dwarfs in the clan.

Articles under Goldbraid


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