Gray dwarves

Like other dwarves, Gray were typically thick, stocky figures, though beyond this there were many differences. Both male and female Grays were typically bald, with females also lacking the capacity to grow facial hair. Many were also thinner than their dwarven brethren. Most obvious, however, was their dull gray skin and hair, often matched with an equally stolid expression.  They are the deepest dwelling dwarfs of all. They don't care for the sun, because their skin burns so easily. The have an excellent hearing, but this works only underground.  It is a bio sonar, used while underground for navigation, foraging, and hunting in various environments.  They are very sensitive to sunlight and loud noises.  They are very serious about work and survival.  They can work with other dwarves but have a problem with halflings and goblins.  Goblins being an ancient enemy and a competitor for food in the underground. No one is really sure what gray dwarves have against halflings.
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