Lava Lizard

The lava lizard is a bizarre reptile that dwells in subterranean caverns among pools of bubbling lava. The creature has a rocklike outer shell that helps to maintain the high body temperature a lava lizard must have to survive.  
  • The lava lizard fights by trying to bite a creature with its quick but relatively weak jaws. A bitten creature takes 1-6 points of damage from the lizard's bite and must save vs. dragon breath. If unsuccessful, the creature is gripped momentarily by the lava lizard's jaws and takes an additional 1-6 points of damage from heat.
  (For magical types of fire resistance such as rings and spells, treat the bite as red dragon breath in terms of saving throws and reduced damage.)
  • The lava lizard has a special defense as well. Whenever the creature is struck by a nonmagical metal weapon (such as a sword blade or dagger), the owning character must save vs. magic wands or the weapon melts from the intense heat of the creature's interior.
  • Note that a melted weapon still inflicts damage on that turn, but is unable to do so thereafter.
  • Although these creatures dwell in hot subterranean caverns, they have been known to travel several miles from the lava they need to survive. As they feel their body temperature cooling, they will attempt to return to the nourishing fires. There are a few unconfirmed reports of lava lizards being found in statue like immobility, presumably having been caught too far from their source of heat.
Armor Class: 13 Hit points: 4d8 Move: 90' (300 Attacks: 1 bite Damage: 2d6 No. Appearing: 1 Save As: Fighter 4 Morale: 12 Treasure Type: Nil Alignment: Neutral


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