Piranha Bird

The piranha bird is a one-foot long, garishly colored bird always hungry for fresh meat. Individual piranha birds may have green, blue, red, brown, black, or even purple feathers—the entire variety of colors displayed in a single flock. Their beaks are sharp and pointed, and have razorlike edges so that the bird can stick its beak into the flesh of a creature, bite, and fly away with a snack. Piranha birds can fly with humming bird like maneuverability; they can make sudden changes in direction, or even hover in the air. When one piranha bird catches sight of a potential meal, it utters a high pitched whistle, thus alerting the entire flock. They always attack warm-blooded creatures, and do not have to check morale until half of the flock has been eliminated. They do not like bright sunlight, but piranha birds may be found in all climates except the very coldest or those barren of any shade. They prefer to live in regions of dense forest or in underground caverns, and seem to have developed limited nightvision that allows them to detect prey up to 30 feet away even in total darkness. Large eyes provide more surface area for sensing light; these birds have tons of rods (those cells in our eyes that sense light), so big eyes + tons of rods = amazing night vision.


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