Shadowdark Group

The Forward Party

This party is unofficial and unaffiliated. they are have no job permit and are homeless.
  1. Todal Half Orc Ranger of Nature -ranger- lawful - Nature - not chaos, serious always on the job. He was raised in Nature, but needs to find out more about the world of Elnar.
  2. Ilman Elf Thief - elf (under elf)- thief - Banished from Under elf's, He does not want to be any type of elf so he cut his ears. He tells people he is not an elf, but his Under elf heritage sticks out a bit, even without ears. Very streetwise he grew up on the mean streets of Kingdom of Minas Galebre , loud mouth, bragger and lonely. He worships (not well) a the god MEMNON, mostly because the symbol is a skull and he thought it looked cool. His armor is an assorted mix of dark stained leather.
  3. Biff of Waves - halfling, raised by humans. He was a sickly child but was raised by a rich family. well educated, he attended Wizard school ( University) in Xia dynasty (during a War), very smart graduated early and decided to get a job - has waited two week for the job summons- His clothes are human size it look odd and funny. He smiles and is very likeable. born leader. His way of dressing sets him out from the rest of the party. He feels sorry for Garthon because he is so innocent and naïve.
  4. Garthon - Elf (high elf), He is quite the disappointment to his parents, who are both Scholars. He was training to be a teacher but failed. a Scholar for one year, failed. he was a guard at Wizard School (his dad got him a job) for another year until an unfortunate accident (don't ask), He is currently looking to get a job with caravans as a guard. He is NOT smart or observant. He day dreams a lot. he gets distracted easily. He is happy go lucky and has been pretty lucky up to this point to be alive! He follows Biff because he thinks Biff is smart and is going places. He is picky about his food and is a Vegetarian.
Founding Date
Adventuring Party
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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