Smudgehill Mines

Family owned and operated silver mine, it has been operating for about 30 years. Old Morbean Orebeard was almost 230 years old thirty years ago, when he found the first sign of silver ore. He mined in secrecy at first, he worked by alone. He later met his friend Lord Snigbart, they became fast friends and decided to purchase the land from the King. The purchased the lumber company first, it was run by a Dwarf named Dunik Goldbraid. He soon became the third partner to this venture. Lord Snigbart from a noble merchant family in the capital. He had access to the King and used this to make calculated moves. They purchased vast amounts of trees for lumber production, they also sold to the king at a discounted price. The King was in the middle of a rebuilding the kingdom after the death of his father. So there was a huge demand for lumber. The King granted large tracts of barren rock mountain sides with the purchase, with the idea of stone quarries. But movement of the stone was problematic, and no one thought that these were prudent purchases. The three partners had a plan, the king decided to grant them these barren tracts of mountains. The areas had been assessed by court and found to be useless tracts of stone, without any precious metals or gems. Which was true, for the most part, except the Great Mountain. The assessment had missed a minor vein of silver that was present. Morbean found this silver and followed it. The largest vein ever found unfolded beneath the work boots of Morbean. Morbean contacted all his family, from all over the world. Slowly they migrated to the area, no one noticed, they all thought that it was lumber, not mining that the dwarves were after. The City of Wabrook, only appeared within the last 10 years, it was a small lubber hamlet before. Morbean purchased the land around the mine from King Melchior the Lion, for an exorbitant amount of silver plus a percentage of the ore. Morbean had told the king that if ore was found that he would pay a 10% silver mined to the kingdom. Morbean did this meticulously for the last 30 years.


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