Spear gun

This weapon is used by Water Elves.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The main shaft is made from whale bone and there are many different types.
this weapon is very similar to a crossbow.  But instead of a bolt, it shoots a short spear at high velocity over close or short distance.  It loses its velocity at long distance and damage is affected.  1d8 damage for close and short.  1d4 damage for long.   It can be shot one handed but must be loaded two handed.  Water Elves can load with a hand and foot.  leaving one hand free to defend against attacks.   The elastic tube used is a type of Sea worm and works in and out of the water.    This weapon is silent under water but makes noise above water, like a crossbow.   Someone other than a Water elf, unfamiliar with this weapon would be at a severe disadvantage trying to reload underwater.  They would have to make a Disadvantage DEX check.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Related Technologies
Common in Water Elf communities. Rare everywhere else.
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
Whale bone; Sea Worms, copper connections and trigger.  spear is made from bone or wood, even metal such as copper or silver.  The spear head is iron, bone or teeth, stone.


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