Stone Dwarf

Stone Dwarf looked much like a Hill Dwarf physically, but are confused with gray dwarves all the time. Their skin and hair, however, were stone gray and their eyes were silver, amber, or red. Males groomed their gray beards carefully, while females did not have facial hair. They are excellent miners; they have the ability to speak to the rock. The Rock reveals its secrets to them. Other dwarves think the Stone dwarfs are Mad! So, the Stone Dwarf tend to be loners.  They tend to be neutral on most subjects, not unkind or unpleasant to be around. Unlike the Gray Dwarves that are chaotic most of the time, Stone Dwarf tend to be calm and happy when underground.  They do not care for open spaces. The sun has little or no effect on their skin. They like to converse with the stones above ground too, their goal is to find a space stone. There are many legends about the conversation these stone dwarves have with meteorites. They treasure such rocks and always look for them.    
  1. They receive a disadvantage when dealing with other dwarves. Mostly because of their odd behavior.
  2. They get an Advantage to any mining activity roll. Which includes digging, where to dig, identifying Prescious metals, gems and ore. directions, moving underground and hauling ore. Finding water.
Encompassed species


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