The Place of Rest

The wooden structure seems to be a bit weathered and in need of a paint job. It is clean and peacocks walk about the grounds and can be heard crying out. This is a place of worship and brewing. The local monks brew beer. many people stand around in the sanctuary, drinking beer and communicating.   two goblins pass out the brew to anyone who wants one with a smile. Kwyixle the other goblins name is Grazor, He has a large head and a wicked smile with a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth and claws. he is very unsettling.
  • ale or beer 1cp per mug.
  The small old monk dressed in brown wool with a belt that has peacock feather hanging from it. George Mugwort
  • Brewer's Supplies (20 gp)
  • - Antitoxin (vial) (50 gp)
  • -Potion of Healing (20gp)
  • -Peacock feathers (Free)

it is locked inside a barred area.

  • - Potion of Invisibility (5,000 gp) - this seems like a high price...
  • - Potion of Greater Healing (100 gp) - this is in a very ornate bottle; it is very fancy.
  • - hallucinogens and narcotics - poison powders and dried leaves and fungus. These are gathered by the church and sold to the Alchemist.
Temple / Church
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