The Ruins of Mesalt Tower

These are the once great ruins of Mesalt Tower, it was once the largest tower in all of Elnar. It was destroyed during the event. It has never been rebuilt, near by the New city of Mesalt has been built, but it is nothing compared to the original. These ruins are extremely dangerous, Chaos is strong here. The weather is strange and unpredictable. The creatures are just as strange and unpredictable.   This tower is currently sitting in the occupied zone south of the Kingdom of Minas Galebre. The king has decided to extract a clean the site, he will open the area to explorers and adventurers. they will get to keep what ever they find. but the land will remain in the hands of the Kingdom.  The Xia dynasty has also release the land to be taken, they are in negotiations with the kingdom of Minas Gerais.  The emperor has made a decree that states that anyone who is caught trespassing on tower grounds by XIA agents will be killed.  But he also stated that he would pay twice the price for items gathered. They have to be turned into the emperors' court and this seem dangerous given the decree to kill.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
midnight tower
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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