Water Church of Bede

This was a natural progression from the Sun Sect. The Water and Sun sect work together closely. The Water Sects of Gede are anywhere there is water. This places them all over the world. They are the most numerous in followers of any of the sects. They are not as ridged as the North, not as bossy as the East, not as warlike as the Sun bothers. 
  • Many Sailors follow this Sect. water-based Merchant guilds tend to lean towards this religion.

Character information

  • Good Natured and friendly. +1 CHR check for reactions.
  • sun tanned due to water and sun activity.  
  • followers can swim. Followers gain an advantage to swimming. 
  • advantage boating checks.

Peace Brother

Religious, Sect
Alternative Names
Water foul, this is a derogatory term that refers to the peacock and water.


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